Funny 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Generic101010101Queen, Sep 10, 2012.

  1. <3 haha panda  lol i live ur laugh "bahahaha" guy xD lol funny card 
  2. nice card xD
  3.  heres another one guys :)

  4. Funny thread. I smiled because when I'm on the intawebz, I don't usually laugh out loud.
  5. [​IMG]
    this one always makes me grin.
  6. Took me a while to actually see it....
  7. You must have chirophobia.
  8. Watzz that? N lmao that pic was hilarious 
  9. The fear of hands.
  10. Thats..a Rlly weird disease lolz n yeh iik i did wrong section by accident :eek: IM SORRY PEOPLEZ! :p
  11. Lmfao this is actually funny  I laughed :lol:
  12. Pffft yuu evil panda xD 
  13. How can I get lotz of hires? I started today and now don't even have a owner :( an how do u make those faces?!?!?!!?!