Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by _Benjamin_, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. I like this, more to the point and easier to read. Good guide op!
  2. Wulf Guide Is More Detailed, But 3/4 Of His Pictures Are Broken. Good Job OP
  3. Why aren't hybrids in here? :cry:
  4. My bad! Didn't checked Wulf's thread for a while didn't knew the photos are broken nor the fact is outdated in what concern T5 buildings. The only plus for Wulf's thread is the fact that is providing lands and buildings costs (not that this actually matter). So for time being your guide is more usefull.
  5. Sticky this thread, Troll being helpful, must be a blue moon!
  6. Both threads have their merits, but nevertheless, good effort op
  7. Thank you for this, I've been looking for information on lvl 4 for T5 buildings for ages
  8. Best advice out there (y)
  9. This is nice. Very nice looking. But these are the raw stats. People go by ally stats. And Wulf did that.
  10. OP provided bonus to allies stats. Not raw stats.
  11. Great thread, very helpful 
  12. There's an excel chart with the complete stats/pricing/sells of buildings. Made by Neonnq in the Guide section of forums.
  13. Good work. But someone already did this.
  14. Good guide op even if there was other guides this one is more updated with all of the new buildings
  15. Great job op!! Just add a link to Wulf's guide as a tribute and add some images of every building and its levels and you're set!

    Great work! 

  16. Ty ty all 