From Laoda to Apocalypse

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Ray_, Jan 15, 2013.

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  1. Having said that I've already received several zaft pm me crying. Face truth people ^_^
  2. Chucks post offering to absorb zaft into apocalypse family reminds me of the Borg...
  3. Oi laoda zaft sucks they can't even bring me down
  4. Look at laodaa talking. like He's big mate your clans that you created cant even bring me down me alone wow laoda i am disppointed
  5. Little_miss_ali is a zaft bank and also her alt iii-x-princess-x-ill
    Jus sayin
  6. Yellow... No.. Just Why bother you know you are DTW here... Come on man
  7. Why are even talking your not into this. This is between me and zafts the losers
  8. Yabadabanoob another worthless spy. Just mad because he is my permanent farm.


    Fail. No cf for you. No KaW for you
  9. Because you have no legs to stand on. why?
  10. Yeah. Touching story tell that to someone that cares.
  11. Cf is not in my vocabulary so plz go ahead and farm me all u want
  12. While yellownub squaks... I say laoda is a multiuser account bum who has his mother play while its his nap time. Any clan run by someone who breaks ToU daily, and lies through his teeth about his clans side of involvement ... Should be ashamed to be a follower of that "leader". If he wasn't a trust fund baby that spends his allowance checks on kaw, he would have been banned by now.

    I say put a boot on the throat of zaft... Squash itas it should be. The zaft of old was worthy of the recognition, but not these eb losers of today. Apocalypse is doing it, why aren't you? Join in the fun and get some zaft blood on yer blade. ;)

    I'm sure ill receive threats of reset farms etc etc,,, try me :))

    Sit and swivel , Laoda
  13. So when do the betting booths open I bet the devs are all sitting behind their desks making bets with each other on this outcome
  14. From what I've heard this all started because apoc picked on a good friend of mine for having se tags. Now about to months ago me and him where in second echelon hence his se tags. It's understandable that se can mean many things and there is no tag copyright laws in kaw so what if part of ur family is Spartans elite or whatever It is they call themselves it doesn't give them the right to bully anyone with se tags as the could be any number of clans with se as the first letters of the words in their name. I happen to know the person with said se tags who was orginally targeted had only had them for less the 2 months so this post on him being targeted for several months is doubly whacked out for a couple of reasons a.) how does several equal less then 2 a couple maybe but several no so whoever said that is dopey.
    B.) wouldn't u think that OSW for this would have been advertised way earlyier if it's been a continuous thing.

  15. Actually no sircozza have a different acc altogether this account is about 4 years old cozzas is less then 1 wouldn't this be a main account
  16. Like farming over ally sale - chasing peeps to drop tags just coz you are a bigger clan or network of family clan however you wanna call is also bullying ... So if I change to SE_Messiah_YAFI or TS_M_YAFI will those bozos farm me into dropping tags?  I better save up my lunch money to buy nobs then .... In this case, good on ZAFT to retaliate 
  17. I seen on the other war threads people post "Bump", why is that?
  18. Villy. Your account is not 4years old idiot
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