From Jacob41 to the homosexual community.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Vindictive_Intentions, Jun 21, 2014.

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  1. erm ok? a little over the top maybe winter? o_O
  2. Most people here are not nice. :lol:
  3. Jacob doesn't have to like homosexuals if he doesn't want. Freedom of speech. I don't know why we make a deal of this type of thing
  4. meh, i agree it should be stopped but it feels to me that often only certain minoritys are largely defended and others are left to mostly cope alone, ive learnt to cope with people but much of my time was spent fending off builles from a very young age till now even
  5. I'm ******* 5'7 12 years old and am 180 lb
  6. Exactly wake. I try to say that and everyone want to kinda get at me. :lol: I'm not saying it's okay, or it's right, or i agree. I'm saying he can believe whatever he wants. Opinions are opinions. He has one, and so do the rest of you. Just like you think his is wrong, he thinks yours are wrong.
  7. I hate straight people...please dont farm me
  8. In the end, propaganda and a low education of Islam has made a very large majority of people believe all Muslim's are terrorists, when infact terrorists only account for a fraction of the Muslim population
  9. Very little ia done to work upon that and stop it, yet areas such as homosexuality make everyone go mental… in the end jacob does not need to like homosexuals but at the same time ahould know when to make such comments
  10. whats wrong with making fun of gay people, do gays have special rights now? Everyone get hate at some point (even obama)
  11. Many people are wimps now. They take everything to heart and cry over it. Just learn to let it go and move on. Sure, what some people do might not be right, but it's their opinion and you need to get over it and let it go.
  12. Like I said jokes are fine poking fun at someone is always a good time when done in a way that is fun but when you do it in a way that truly offends someone that's just disrespectful. Your entitled to your opinionsbut frankly no one else needs to feel offended by your opinions.

    I am a white southern Christian male who is very much straight and while I don't agree with some peoples life styles doesn't mean I am going to disrespect them because their ideology differs from mine.
  13. When people say someone has a right to their own opinion, they are correct.

    However when someone expresses their opinion, other people have the same right to express theirs in response. When a community finds something offensive and bigoted, we have every right to respond.

    It's sad that naked discrimination and bigotry is still accepted when it comes to gay individuals. Hopefully, as more and more people refuse to accept such offensive bigotry, the acceptance of cruelty to gay individuals will join racism and sexism in the land of intolerable behaviors.
  14. @wake

    Indeed, freedom of speech. But no need to say by example: " **** EM ALL! STRAIGHT FTW ASSHOLES! WE ARE AN FREAKING EMPIRE AND I AM THE NO LIFE KING BRAH!" With a lot of bypasses in a 9+ game lije Jacob did.
  15. So its ok if ppl to shout out they are wc or in forum but thats ok but as soon as somebody else has something to say they are the bad guy?,Tgis is 9 plus rated it should go both ways.ata should be netural and if silence is good for 1 then it sgould be good for all? "Happy Kawing"
  16. There is an enormous difference between "Hey guys I'm gay and proud." responding with "Cool bro not a fan of your life style choices keep em to yourself!" And responding with "**** you homo! Keep your **** to yourself you dirty piece of ****!" Now do you see? Its a respect thing is all.
  17. i agree with that
  18. I still think that both sides should tone it down a lil as it stands i would not allow my kids on this game.without me being by there side
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