It's a public forum, anybody can speak if they wish to; Just as you have been on this thread and the one before for it. It is a game, and threads are for entertainment, hence why they are made public... for everyone to see and open for comments/responses. But everyone knows that already. Now back to why this thread was made, WAR. Best of luck to our opponents, we are very happy to use this game for how it was truly intended to be. 乃L·ĀĊ₭ĦĀ₦d
Nightmare, I've no problem posting with a main. My apologies that you feel the need to insult Val, maybe while we're off buying her a muzzle you could buy yourself a thinking cap. Huma, do you know the nearest repair shop?
Great thread is it bad that I've never heard of Aow, anyway it seems like this war is only heating up with so many alliances itching to jump in
So family protected family and got whole alliance on them. 400 acc are really 200 then 4 clans turned up to be 5 by op himself......confused now.
Didn't know you guys were that low on it :lol: Joker, no need. But thanks for the tip I prefer to use the "Gentle leader"
Who the hell is robber? For the record.. There isn't any chewing going on and there is even less spitting. Are you picking up what I'm putting down?
Huma, I love table scraps! Especially in mashed potato days. The kids always slip me some under the table if they don't I just steal it off their plates.
For the record, I speak for no one but myself. BH can handle themselves just fine. @Vix I didn't bring up Apoc, scroll back and you'll see Apoc making their presence on this tread and ppl implying involvement. I just pointed out that the comments of "oh they won't get involved because they're allies" is null and void. @pete.. Apoc leaders Roland and crystalee threw OG to the wolves so Apoc could cf with ZAFT. Friendship isn't a big priority with Apoc, perhaps to you it is. But your alliance has other agendas. If you are saying WarLor dumped allies because IMF wanted too and Apoc had nothing to do with it... Well again, I'm not surprised lol.
Main means most used, most active, no? My 'main' in kaw terms is in the shop for some repairs, but it will come out to play, don't worry.