From Black Hand, With Love

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Sep 4, 2014.

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  1. Needs more Scarlett Johansen.
  2. full support to bh. I find it ridiculous that someone would get backed up by 4 clans because they cried for help when being hit.
  3. There's been a lot of hate against BH recently. I myself won't deny that until earlier this week id been feeling like they've been losing their touch. But I was pleasantly surprised by what I saw since I've been here. There are several extremely experienced vets, members who I've fought with and against three times each as BH and several I've worked with many times in the past. They have a whole clan full of members who are eager to fight and while not every one of them is currently "top level" fighter. All of them have shown themselves to have the potential to use this war to become as good as, if not better then the BH of old many people refer to. If there was anything less I wouldn't be here myself, with my rebels hitting aow and enjoying the many strips and dirty jokes that fill up our cc and game time. I've never been BH, and until I came here a few days ago had fought against them more times then with them so I think my opinion isn't too biased. I get some inc, I've had a strip failed on me and seen a few others fail. I've seen our strips be less then perfect and I've seen us completely screw over whoever we chose. All in all it's a good war, that started with BH outnumbered. And would have remained that way if AoW members didn't run in droves. To the members left. The reasoning or logic behind this don't matter. What matters is are any of you on par to match the hundreds of people on this side with 2 years of experience. Do you trust your leaders to lead you to victory when so many of the people on this side are the people you formerly relied on to learn war from. And do you honestly believe that blindly following your leaders who took a full family to war in a matter of a day or so, without any of you having any good warning, is a good strategy for kaw. When you ask yourselves these questions, then if you stay at AoW, fight back, earn some respect for yourself, and maybe one day you'll be worthy of calling yourself true Kawers
  4. Well they aren't being backed up...that's there family...and tbh black hand would be considered the veterans here as they've been around for years now...go trash talk somewhere else or show up in the news to Black Hand
  5. Suppot to blackhand
  6. I have some respect for aow they are doing better than some "️"war clans"️"we have fought in the past. But all and all good luck aow yours truly-nmnmnm
  7. Great post sky, couldn't agree more. As a new small recruit to BH I can say that they (we ) are very eager and willing to put our best out and win this war while having some fun. I am hoping to become a permanent member and be a part of the BH family.

    As for AoW, like I said before I wish you best of luck in this war and have some fun, don't all become so spiteful as some of your members have been 

  8. I agree.

  9. Good luck to my friends at BH
  10. I think AoW leadership made a very quick decition, im getting (and im sure im not the only one) that AoW just wants to get to that forum post called "overrated and underrated osw clans", i hadnt heard of em in an osw and jumping like that, fast and without thinking, make me think that, dont think im in anybody side, the best will win, but i think all this was an error from AoW council.
  11. i like dorky chicks but anywaysssssss

  12. after awhile, you don't even see the code. :ugeek:
  14. Дɾɬ ơʄ Ѡąɾ ... Їŋ Ⴀɧɛ Ӎıɖʂɬ ტʄ Ҫɧąơʂ, Ⴀɧɛɾɛ Їʂ ДƖʂơ ტ℘℘ơɾɬųŋıɬყ like losing 1.2trill out of 1.4tril in a strip right -aow-corkies
  15. AoW is most overrated osw in KaW has been for awhile
  16. I don't fault them for trying to protect their member. We would do the same.

    But, having a family of players at your disposal, and releasing them thinking you'd overwhelm a veteran war clan is foolish. Preemptive. Most of your members don't know much about OSW. All they know is what you tell them.

    Sure you have some talent over there. And they are quickly trying to teach your members how this works. But, judging by how quickly you blew your wad - within 24 hours - shows your lack of experience.

    When you go, you go big. I dig that. This is the best lesson for your family.
  17. Actually no. Scarlett Johannson is old and annoying.

    It needs more Emilia Clarke/Daenerys Targaryen.

    Trust me. Plus, bewbs.
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