From Black Hand, With Love

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Sep 4, 2014.

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  1. Money can't buy grammar
  2. So much hate..can't we all be friends
  3. sure we can. want to go hang out at the mall?
  4. Sure thang! And we can sit down and gossip all night and then we can have a sleep over because **** it we are fabulous 
  5. says the runner
  6. PooHandNivans.

  7. Oh minny your still running around with that pic

    I really apologize to all jews that i offended with that comment i was indeed pissed off at them as the situation in Israel was getting bad( still is)
    Jews are love jews are life

    O' great jews i love you

    And minny you need to get laid and stop stalking me
  8. Apoc are hypocrites if aow clans hit and apoc clan the whole apocalypse alliance would have jumped in so what's the prob with former og helping former og?
  9. But am I to be right in saying that the only reason APOC havent got involved is because of alliances.
  10. Re: From Black Hand, With Lo

    Your defiantly a genius baxta
  11. Lol at Nivans. Seems like he's too stupid to understand that the Jewish population isn't contained only in Israel. Probably a 12 year old trying to look old by telling everyone about the **** his mind comes out with
  12. The funny thing Detriment... He's too big of a sissy to back up his racist drivel.
  13. I'm racist to everybody, so that doesn't make me racist coz I'm racist equally hue hue hue.
  14. that's cool.. Hate everyone the same and guess what? It's a non issue, but that little prick singling out my people is a tad too much.
  15.  Sounds about right. Don't see him doing anything about what we're saying
  16. I always thought you were Christian, but definitely didnt expect the Jewish faith welcome. 
  17. 80% of jews are in Israel the rest are scattered but they pretty have the same point of view so yeah all jews are same in any place in the ******* planet
  18. You're an idiot Nivans... Wherever we are, we're better than your low life scum sucking ass.
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