from A1 to killers united and it's members.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IllA1Ill, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. I love iReg - blunt and too the point.

    Can't figure out who Tim is accusing as he alternated between 54 and 53 in the KU clan in his posts on this thread. Of course, KU might have lost a player, but dunno.

    The faster a screen shot is posted the less likely folks will believe things are being made up.

    And no reason is needed to war. In such an instance, say we just wanted to war and that's it. It is Kingdoms at War after all. But, clans and players seem to need to justify things so if that is the route people want to take - to be a justified defender of all that is right in the world - then a screen shots helps prove the point.

    My two cents
  2. Tiny Tim, Slap yourself noob. Of course I was being funny, but I was being truthful all at the same time. I'm a busy mutha trucka so I like to multi-task.

    Anyways, I'd be concerned if I really thought your EB tapping ass was handling MDK.

  3. Ah butthurt iReg always gotta jump into HoG's business. Only took you what, 15 pages?!? Step up your game bro! Gotta be quicker next time, we all love reading your idiocy.  :D
  4. Woooo hoooo
  5. Supportbtw ifarmeveryone, MG was farming mini then her clan members started hitting MG's clan members. Therefore that's what started the OSW. Why don't u look over the thread and shut ur trap b4 u make urself look more of idiot.

      ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟Ꮋ ͟ཛུ ͟Ꭺོ ͟ཞ ͟Ꭲ ͟ Ꭷ ͟Ꭸ ͟ ͟Ꮹོ ͟བུ ͟Ꮮ ͟Ꭰི ͟  ☠ɵ₲ Ѧ།།ιⱥηƈɛ☠
  6. Sorry did the the newb farm have something to day with not pots? 
  7. Yea killers are dead
  8.  This is a funny thread support for MG
  9. That's the best you have Doc? I have no pots? Excluding the fact I never had dpots, thats quite the accomplishment big dog  Lets talk about something more interesting. Maybe your inability to strip a pure attack build with no pots? Twice you failed, with help. On a guy that plays this game 4-6 hours a day, 6 days a week. You're a beast Doc 
  10. People play this game after they get off of work? 
  11. Ifarmeveryone leave the thread b4 u get asked to or get on topic.
  12. You have a 9 billion Allie ifarmI'd consider that a gift if I failed,what are you gonna upgrade with that 
  13. You had a lot more than 9b before we started. 
  14. I'm replying to comments Rez, but thanks for attempting to play forum police, silly noob. A1 can ask me to leave 

    Docs failures are great because he posted on my wall that he was going to strip me (20 days ago). He posts on his wall my TZ ( or - 8 hours there bud, you're close) I'm a potless pure attack build with a 9bil ally. Threatening to strip me and failing twice in this scenario = you suck  Can we get back on topic now? Mini is an idiot, A1 is tough/cool for fighting little EE clans.
  15. I had 12bil in allies originally Doc. I upgraded when they sold. If 3bil is a lot to you, than yes, I had a lot more in allies before you fail stripped me.
  16. So after checking with said member that hit tim, I have discovered it was one single action? That's all it took  happy days.
  17. Southern_cross is an Mdk farm! I see you are back from retirement yet again and found time to fight in your busy rl schedule.

    We were never friends you need to drop that illusion. Call the priest he will clarify it for you. Glad you found a suitable home to hide in. Runners got to live somewhere.

    Mini made accusations against OG, yet MG and HoG are fighting. Makes a lot of sense to me.

    Keep up the great work. You must all be feeling proud of yourselves.
  18. Hoggies please refrain.

    And certainly do not get pulled into a forum game with someone derailing the thread.
