from A1 to killers united and it's members.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IllA1Ill, Jul 31, 2013.



    This isnt the Barbeque…
  2. Support to MG and HoG
  3. Finally someone a1 your my hero lmfao jk but seriously saw this coming a long time ago enjoy mini
  4. Support OP kick tm their ass
  5. Mini lucky tele liked him when he made me mad I think I'm joining ops clan lol jk
  6.  lol I would say good luck to op but doubt he will need it
  7. Too much fun, loving the trash talk, if you guys would be so kind can I grab SS verification on a HoG member being hit?
    Support for KU, don't give in.
  8. Tim wouldn't lie about being hit we had an arrangement with KU so only mini was getting hit for his mouth and they broke that. So it's not going out on a limb to say they hit Tim as well. No need for proof as he wouldn't lie about it. Not like MG needs any help to take care of KU. But KU digging the hole deeper by hitting hog member 
  9. I'm not saying I don't trust him, I always hit first ask later when push comes to shove with my clan mates.
    But I'm sure we all remember the rule SS or it didn't happen, just asking so I can clear stuff up.
  10. The SS or it didn't happen rule has it's need for many clans but HoG and their members, especially tim, are very honest.

    I see your point for wanting an SS, but rest a sure if it doesn't come, actions still occured. HoG would not step in against 1 clan vs 1 clan unless something happened that brought them to that war.
  11. they suck  pinned 3 in half hour without xtals , almost 4  and then there's the owner with no allies 

    But Pops is just a cuddly wuddly teddy bear
  13. SS or it didnt happen rule


    Just disband, reset and delete kaw son

    Oh, and I almost did forget to say: surrender too..
  14. To KU members: We at Heart of Gold would not claim to have recieved incoming without verification. Unfortunately your clan members deemed fit to say hi in newsfeed. This is your mistakes, not ours. All that i ask is you let yourselves out of pin so we can return the feeds  Please last longer than a week.

  15. If anything, the problem with Tim is he's TOO honest. Anyone who's ever been in a cc or pal room with him knows that. No brain to mouth filter in Tim's anatomy.
  16. Ask 54 in your clan if he hit me. Ss not needed he is an admin he shouldn't lie.