Uh. Bo I havent xD I can post a SS of my news in HoG pal if you want? Bahaha I been skimmin 52/53 Also Mini_me_braveheart Sound familiar?
No doesn't sound familiar... And you have spies farm! I just scouted you so ya that does mean 0 gold out.
Carpet you've just been failbombing! And if you wanted to figure out my main just look at forum history I've said it before lol.
Lightninja , your original post (Which I quoted below) was nice. It did a nice job explaining your take and some good attributes of you and your clan. I found myself thinking about and considering recruiting you. Then you allowed yourself to be pulled into the forum troll banter and I lost my interest. Perhaps you will gain a better perspective after this over and you have time to reflect. If you are unsure of my meaning please feel free to PM me.