Frog Man:Tribute To the Greatest Kaw ForumSuperHero

Discussion in 'Fan Creations' started by IVIONSTEJZ__TTV, May 3, 2015.

  1. *drops Mic*Walks smooth Off*

    I can't hold a candle to this...

    ROCK ON!!!!

  2. No support
  3. this like a frog roast? I keep seeing the same 5 or 6 pictures reposted.....I am wondering when someone will add a decent insult or joke to this forum. Otherwise, move on. I think frog had huge kahunas for standing up to some of the same idiotic people who forum troll for no real add ins. Haters gonna hate....but his thread was a needed attention getter to some.
  4. Prepare for one hell of a bad review on yelp jenni.
  5. Lol
  6. Never heard of the song i cry,
    Such a shame. Such a pity,
    We will not see eye to eye,
    I missed the thrill of your ditty.
  8. No support
  9. Thanks Postman. Trust me I'm hitting those who I can. And like you say, haters gonna hate. You're not succeeding unless someone is talking crap about you. Glad to see others also fed up with that crap. It's a war game, so I'm hitting. I know this makes some soil their undies, but they have been warned.
  10. In fairness to the OP, however, this is really hilarious. 
  11. So, I guess you have prepared a long list of players to hit? May I ask? How many of those players have you gathered to hit? 
  12. Don't care much who quotes on my thread or this one, and no list really, I'll just smack em as I see them. Smacked 6 or so already. Rest too small 

  13. Cool
  14. He's the hero Kaw deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A Frog knight.
    ~Support to You Frog, thanks for doing this, much needed
  15. I got two hits, is that considered a smacking???
  16. Frog failed his fairy scout session then used his fairy Hansel named princess_mika_goto lmao these dudes hilarious with the chick names
  17. Lol nice, I'm sure he's happy for the fame and recognition you've given him.
  18. Fb assn frog dtw an his rp chick wannabe Hansel still scouting lmao it only took me 1 regen an a half(disclaimer: a few was fails still got the jobs done)
  19. I hope he does get mad, I dislike spending all my nobility on eb anyway.