friendly osw clan

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by hero_sapphire, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. I hear kotfe is a friendly osw clan too. Maybe you guys should ally up 
  2. I hear Black Hand is a fail clan made up of noobs who can't osw. Maybe you guys should ally up 
  3. This thread is hilarious. 
  4. Hero I declare OSW on your clan 
  5. I declare OSW on myself 
  6. Me too reaper!!!
  7. Gave your clan to a noob who disbanded it? Im confused as to who the noob is.
  8. Maybe both but op is way bigger^
  9. If its alright with Nefarious, I want to make a clan called OSW-WeSuck-OSW. Or something of the sort.
  10. WOAH ! this is just way to EPIC fail
  11. Reminds me of the merc clan that said they would help at all times/parts of an eb.
    Forum giving me cancer everyday oh lord