Freedom of Speech?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Keepo, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. I wouldnt kill anyone for their thoughts or religion i wouldnt however hesitate to to pull the trigger if they were to a direct threat to me or my family, everyone has the right to express their own thoughts and sure people will be offended i get offended when people mock my saviour yet i dont go out and behead them. In the book of john 16 1-4 jesus warned that people were going to kill us thinking they were doing it for the lord but as jesus said they do it because they do not know the father nor him.
  2. I would kill someone for a Klondike bar
  3. All religion is ballz. If people opened their eyes and realised it was all fake, the world would be a better place.

    Then again, these religious fudes play a part in the New world order. Stop overpopulation.
  4. "X action is against your religion" is really a moot point now, as all Abrahamic religions follow the teachings of Moses, which the commandment "Thou Shalt Not Kill" was written in stone.

    However, all the Abrahamic faiths have ignored this. Its just that The Quran directly instructs Muslims to kill or crucify those that do not conform to their belief. The Hebrews left judgement to God. And the Christians war is part of revelation, a spiritual war after Jesus' return.
  5. It was not thall shall not kill. It was " thou shall not commit murder"
    Common misconception.
    The law at the time allowed the death penalty for true crimes and also freed up soldiers who were obeying their king of responsibility for their actions. All blame went on the king
  6. There's been death threats going around all the big names that joke or make fun of the muslin community, take South Park for example, they have had death threats for a jokes they have made.

    Something like this was gonna happen sooner or later. I'm just surprised that people are shocked over what's happened when the evidence was very clear that this innocent was gonna happen, and now it has done.

    But anyways almost every religion has done something extremely horrible. This is gonna turn into a religious debait but anyways.

    Religion is at the top of the main reasons why people go to war, suffer and get hurt. there's been plenty of holy wars and death sentences for not believing in the "right" religion.

    There's always a extremist group causing problems for the rest of the religion, like the bad apple in the barrel of apples.

    But you can't push aside the fact almost every religion has done even more horrible acts of cruelty to other people even worse than these modern events. Take Christianity for example.

    Christians are renounded for forcing their belives on people just as much as Muslims are. Just take a walk down your city centre, you'll find a guy preaching god. Even in primary school children learn Christian believes wether they want to or not. ( sly acts as such )

    But if the church had it's way, we'd still be living in the dark ages. Also the time of bloody marry, where hundreds of people where burnt at the stack for not believing in Christianity.

    So on, could write a whole list of things but that will do.

    It just high n mighty to condemn a whole religion for what a few people did in modern times when Christians past is so bloodied itself. Just seems hypocritical if you ask me...

    But I do believe if there wasn't any religion the world would be a better place for everyone.
  7. bout time people got over the bs then isn't it.
    You would think after 2000 years of certain religion people would wake up and stop just using it as an excuse to go around committing murders.
    Want to lose faith in humanity. Mention any religion and watch the reactions of people. Everyone must believe they are right for fear of what being wrong means. What does their life amount to at the end if they are wrong?
    People act out of fear and ignorance.
    It may not be a surprise the events in Paris or other atrocities have happened.
    It is nonetheless disappointing observing people in the modern age trying to justify or glorify it whilst advocating violence.
  8. "Thou shalt not kill." Exodus 20:13, KJV.
  10. Exodus 20:1-17

    The Ten Commandments
    20 And God spoke all these words:

    2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

    3 “You shall have no other gods before me.

    4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.

    5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

    6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

    7 “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

    8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.

    9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,

    10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns.

    11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

    12 “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

    13 “You shall not murder.

    14 “You shall not commit adultery.

    15 “You shall not steal.

    16 “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

    17 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

    Exodus 20:3
  11. People have death threats against them all the time. It's not just because of religious reasons.

    I don't think people understand how aggressive France has been with its military.

    I see this more as consequences from wars. Resources and control. It's asymmetrical warfare. Religion is just the tool. If religion can't be used another message will be.

    Some cleric took advantage of people who couldn't break from their bondage. Whether imposed or self imposed is debatable to me. For what that's worth.

    For example. Communist don't use religion yet other means to create opposition. It would be the same thing just without Allah.
  12. Well if Exodus says God took slaves outta Egypt later slavers ignored that tidbit
    Eg Columbus who has a Holiday in his honour
    Then again the same nation had slavery.

    Guns don't kill Religion does
  13. lovely wall of text from the NKJV - a translation completed in 1982. Which does not pre-date the KJV which was translated from the Jewish and Arabic texts in 1611...


    “Thou shalt not kill.” SHEMOT 20:13
    Excerpt From: “The Orthodox Jewish Bible.”
  14. Shemot

    Lo tir tzakh (illegal killing, premediated murder, manslaughter).

    Thou shalt not kill.

    So actually the translation is Not exactly specific enough.
    But hey argue semantics all you like.
    The point is illegal killing in any form is wrong. And if people followed their belief accurately ( and thou shall not kill is a more Nobel ideal ) then none of this nonsense would ever happen.
    But thanks for proving everyone argues about religion.
    Even when they misquote it.