free xtals

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by kill903, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Wait till they hand them out
  2. I buy my xtals in the alley for the price of 20 gold 
  3. Last time i bought xtals i didnt even get them:( I wouldnt be saying a word about this
  4. Fools!
    I AM TEH EXSTALZ!!!1!!111!!eleven!!one!
  5. Free da Xstals!!!

    Xstals in CHAINS is a Shame Shame SHAME!
  6. i remember kaw handing them out years ago haha the good old days
  7. I remember KaW handing them out some months ago.
    Aha, the mediocre, somewhat old days ^~^
  8. You can get a free crystal per week by just rating the app in the App Store, maybe you did that and didn't know?
  9. Last time they gave them out was on Christmas or something nearer, right?

    They give 2-5 xtals
  10. That wasn't the good old days... It was no more than a year ago. :roll: