Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Sly, Oct 1, 2011.

  1. That's odd. I did the first quest on my PC alt, no crystals.
  2. Probably because you hae already conpleted it....
  3. *havelol
  4. bewmp....

    you dont get xtals if u are on pc account
  5. I figured this out a long time ago
  6. I want to try that on my bros alt
  7. Been there, done that. Remember when I had all these burst of names? I've QR (Quest Reset). I have 127 at the moment, 213 perviously.
  8. You dont get 5 xtls for thé first quest

    But I did do the quest line alot of times just for xtls think it's 50 for questline complete was fun lol
  9. This thread means another update of fixing bugs in the game.....thanks alot(sarcasm)
  10. Pc's don't get xtals?
  11. Not sure what quests y'all are doing but I just reset recently and didnt get a crystal till like my 7th quest. N got 1 only. And yes I had completed my quests previously but quests reset as well
  12. 5 crystals from first quest? Ok then... Not true, but ok then...
  13. Yes this method already made. Post was made. This exploits the game that's why their is a limit on resetting sue to suspicious on account.
  14. This is the way you do it

    Stats needed
    -100k attack

    -Up to whatever you like.
    15xtals max before next reset.

    Easy as pie

    This method on pc account saved about 165xtals.

    done deal

    Reminder:This method was shown before.

    PBS retired