Fred's guide to items in eb's

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *fredthefreak (01), Dec 8, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]

    Point proven for anyone who cares
  2. @Squirrel

    You may now bow down and kiss my feet.

  3. Lololol key words in there are due to.

    Nubs, only read the first sentence and figure they know everything
  4. Lol, Fred:
    Make a new guide, it's ok if it's crappy just has to be on an unmade topic. It can be improved later. Never plagiarize EVER! And you're a noob...
  5. you said this is the first time you made a guide...

  6. Is this A BBC news report?
  7. Lol. "the water one"

    Ya know, I made a guide(ish) once. It was that campaign thread to further knowledge of noobs. It worked for a while... Anyways, my point is, I spent about a week on it. Getting wording right, mixing in BB codes, revise, revise, edit... For like... 6-8 hours worth of work on one little thread. Why? Cuz I gave a damn. This shitty ass excuse for a guide tells me you dont give a **** about what your posting, and how other people might read what you're saying. Right now, I can guarantee that not a single reader of this thread is thinking, "God, that sure was helpful! And so wonderfully written! The op must have put ALOT of work into this one!" Why aren't they thinking that? Because you didn't. You slammed some ******** plagiarized crap on forums and expected to get credit for it.

    That disgusts me.
  8. Hear hear delphin!!
  9. guide* xd
  10. no ask u to get on my thread and delphin u just bypassed :oops:
  11. No1asked u to get on this thread
  12. Delphin didn't bypass.

    PS, you thread is horrible, and Wulf already made this that was 100x better.
  13. Now why abbreviate if your gonna say the full name right next to it
  14. If it doesn't filter, it can't be a bypass.
  15. Although I certainly applauded the effort (I use that words loosely) you took in writing this, you failed to include many of the EBs. Further, as others stated, Wulf did a very nice guide, with pretty pictures, that explains everything you need to know (with a few exceptions) about every EB.

    Note: Things I think SHOULD be added to Wulf's guide include a more detailed "noob proof" NQ strategy as well as the health values of all bars. He included values for many bars, but not all bars.
  16. 1st I do not have photo bucket
    2nd I was sleepy
    3rd at least I'm trying
    4th if I was less sleepy I could of done better.
    5th did u guys even read my first post. (I said its half of a eb guide )
  17. You were defiantly not trying. And if you're not going to hive it your all, don't do it.
  18. Even if you were not tired this would still be crap
  19. JUST KIDDING bout that sleepiness I was just to lazy lol