Four active players looking for SS and TS

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by Celeborn_2, Dec 22, 2014.

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  1. When Ancienne talks, ATA be like..

  2. Nobody deserves that kind of punishment
  3. There is no limit if you own the appropriate number of devices. Personally, I have three device accounts and one PC-only account. Now go troll somewhere else.
  4. I may have mentioned that she cannot talk anywhere in KAW.
  5. I'm on point, the mods are watching, so more to the point.. How is the quest to find a clan going? Is everything working out for you? Have you found any solid leads on the list of demands? I think were all genuinely interested to see how this works out for you :)
  6. I'm actually more interested in seeing how it will work out for the likes of you. For me, this is a game. I like playing it, but I would still have a life if it ceased to exist. It wasn't me who killed GAW and FC, but players like you. So the true question is: will it work out for you when players like me keep disappearing, as you seem to wish?
  7. OP killed gaw and fc
  8. I knew it was you ani... I knew it all along...

  9. Ummm, what happened to all the other accounts you two used? Not telling us or did they die with moochi?
  10. Neither Ancienne nor me ever used moochi. If anyone told you otherwise, they were impersonators. Ancienne and I have one Facebook-only account each, she has two device accounts, and I have four but only use three of them. My active accounts are Celeborn_1, Celeborn_2, Celeborn_3, and FearlessWarrior. Ancienne never had any other accounts than her main, Ancienne_2, and Mercienne. All lies spread about her happened because people like you keep claiming such nonsense.

    JOE_24 used to be our son's account, but he stopped playing completely almost two years ago, around the time we lost GotG.
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