Found Myself

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Dec 8, 2015.

  1. You're heliracist.
  2. OMG! wht a beautyful thread u turely are a brave Heliperson thing.RESPECT :p
  3. Only U would post tht pipe :') Love a man/helithing in a skirt tho
  4. I can't wear a kilt. Naturally, every tank engine in Sodor would see my goodies.
  5. Thats the point :)
  6. Stop being Kyle's dad

  7. Nice to find you finding your inner machine Herold! Recently I was inspired by diesel 10 to have a traineoplasty, it was quite simple. I had my arms and legs removed, had wheels put there instead. Then I had my neck removed and my hand surgically altered and put on my back. This all happened 5 years ago. Nice to see you join the TTTE (Thomas The Tank Engine) Crew. I wonder if there are more inspired KaWers
  8. I identify as a clam.
  9. As the self-appointed guardian of grammar and spelling, I'd like to point out that the helicopter's name is Harold, not Herold.

    No need to thank me.

  10. A cabbage does not have ears but that does not mean that he is immune to your lies.