Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Cold_Metal, Feb 27, 2012.

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  1. @slade you have to realize how hard it would be to find the algorithm.
  2. First you gotta actually get 6 xstals
  3. Good luck iger, hope it works out.
  4. In the item stage now.
  5. I'll try to find out a destroyer strategy also.
  6. Remember... Do not use Items iger
  7. The pressures on
  8. Drumroll please........
  9. *grabs box of tacos o_O
  10. *grabs sammiches*
  11. I got it before when only doing 24 actions though :/
  12. *dundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundun*

    Dun Dun Dun
  13. *grabs my arm*
  14. *Grabs my sword because I love it*
  15. *grabs air because I'm forever alone*
  16. Some1 spit on my sword not shinny nowWho was it lol
  17. *grabs my cat because he my best friend*
  18. *grabs proto's sword because...

    sammich <_<
  19. Ima sorry 
  20. Sammich? o.0
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