I tried everything to get the damned sword. Dropped pots, xtaled, changed the hitting rythm, controlled the sweet spot bars... At least, after I realized I can do nothing but waiting to have luck, I got the sword in doing non of this all. I unloaded as usual, missed every item stage as usual, and DANG! I got the sword. I guess it's completely random. Besides I'm already pissed off when I look at the other 9 empty equipment slots.
@zashion, did u already checked you can equip and unequip the new items? Lol I like to surprise some ppl, especially on BLW. Lol So just for you, I'll equip the sword.
@Jonny and what would be the point in unequiping the item? I see no purpose in that. "Surprise" isn't a very viable option if you are hitting off BL.
And take the extra time to spell someone's name right. I almost typed Johnny but I checked your name to make sure I got it right.
@ Zasion- u think maybe he meant a surprise for attacks coming in on BLW?? Hmm It's actually a pretty strategic move Ppl don't see equipment, they hit, u equip and pound them.. Seems smart idea to me
Sorry zasion for spelling your name wrong. Yes, exactly like -darkblade- said. Why should I equip def items like armour and shield when I don't need them in epics? I can bare some incoming steals, np. Lol Also with the sword at BLW. Why should I show everybody that I have 10% more in attk and spy attk? Btw, I do the same when I'm warring. I equip when I jump in and not hours b4. The equip/unequip option isn't made for nothing.
I tried this two times. First time do 747 actions. Sword goes to guy with 92 actions. Next time do 1055 actions, sword goes to 242 action player. Lol
Wow hiromi, 1055 actions , that's number bro! As said, I only can talk about my own experience, and I got the sword without dropping pots or xtals or anything. Just hitted the epic as the crappy epic hitter as I am.
Been looking into the destroyer drop, after loads of testing I think I've found that it drops in iron titans on phase 4, but also hit the item part that follows, been letting one person in my clan do those bits and most times they get it. Might be wrong but so far so good.
My guess is plunder per hit factors in which is why if you use items it seems less likely to obtain sword. The peeps that get it seem to have higher plunder per hit. I have the same theory about mithril drop