Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Cold_Metal, Feb 27, 2012.

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  1. DayLord??Did it work for u?Please report
  2. tried this method 4x, didnt work for my 2 alts.
  3. What is FOD
  4. 4s-cold_metal is a dev! Trying to trick the kawpulation into buying more xtals!!

    /end conspiracy theory rant 
  5. Haha I help KaW playersNot Devs
  6. I have dine a few full drains on FOD and we are not to 50% yet. Can I still try this method? Or has my earlier drains messed it up?
  7. Ok I did exactly that and it didn't work. Oh well.
  8. Got my hopes up :(
  9. Some people are actually believing this?!?! 
  10. I will partially believe anything now!!! I have over one thousand of each of the attk pots that FOD drops! I am a desperate man looking for ANY equipment
  11. Honestly I am the first person to get an item drop using this method, cold metal was right after me..

    Then he made this thread.. And the only thing that I have seen as mods than dumb luck is that most
    People who do get the item are most active at the last half, And to be more specific, from 20% down..

    So I honestly believe there is a sweet spot between 20% down to 0
  12. Or is it the fact you used 6 xtals...

    That's gotta increase your chances a good amount
  13. Yes it does. But I did use all my crystals at the 20% mark... So like I said before a lot of us THINK there is a sweet spit somewhere in that range. I'm not saying I'm right or wrong.. It's just my theory on the theory lol
  14. ive tried fod for weeks still none item.. but on my 2nd try destroyer i got armor, i forgot how i got it though.
  15. I've tried ur method and did not get! I've done FoD at least 30-40 times and I've been top earner and I've used 6 crystals and no crystals so I have to believe its random.
  16. I bought 100 pots used 6 crystals at 20% and it didnt work!!!!!!
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