Forums are Ugly joke thread.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Filthy_Maggot, Feb 25, 2016.

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  1. Forums are so ugly, even Donald trump's hair can't comb things down.
  2. Forums design is so bad that If the dev's were interior decorators I would fire them.
  3. This forum design is so bad it's worse than my black friends hair line.
  4. Oh my… These forums… So ugly.
  5. Q: What's black & white and red/read all over?

    A: Not the forums, since I just Smashed my phone after loading Active Topics and couldn't tell which posts I've already looked at...
  6. Even Darth Vader didn't go as dark as these forums.
  7. These forums are so grey, the suicide rate in Seattle just went up by 0.02%.
  8. If Bruce Jenner did it, why not forums BAZINGA
  9. The forums update color is so bad cause these were the last color left in the dev's crayola box.
  10. These forums are so ugly that umm... I can't make a joke...
  11. Can't stump the trump
  12. The forums are so grey now it matches the city of Detroit.
  13. It looks like an emo kid painted forums with their feelings.
  14. This is what a rainbow at night would look like.
  15. the forums are so ugly even if i turned off the lights it'd make no difference X)
  16. KaW forums now look like an even more gross Steve Buschemi

  17. Give this man a cookie
  18. Forum mood lighting is so bad it makes me feel like a lobotomy is a good alternative.
  19. This forum update is the fig-Newton of cookies.
  20. If the freakish, hideous monster from 300 and Quasimodo had a baby...

    It'd still be less ugly compared to the Forums Update.
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