Forum; Off-Topic Change

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Original_Belladonna, Aug 14, 2018.

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  1. I know you are an idiot if you think ToU changes were bc of ZAFT actions :lol: that really had nothing to do with it. I’m surprised. I thought maybe you knew a little bit about kaw history but ya know it’s whatever.

    ToU changes were made to accommodate for the influx of younger teens coming into the game and also balance the gap between freshman in high school and someone who could buy alcohol. That’s just one of the reasons anyway. No specific clan had anything to do with it, except ISS they did get a certain joke banned more or less. Also, it was a collection of clans that caused some changes. Remember the ones who declared war on the mods or whatever? NA and them? Back when Twicc posted he whole “Robin Hood” thread or something like that. That situation def didn’t help the game grow really. Imagine having a new player stumble across that as the first post they read in the forums. They’d probably not want anything to do with this. So really I’d say clans like NA and Fury had more to do with ToU and RoC changes (if any) then ZAFT.

    But really they had to do stuff to keep the 14 year old nerds safe I guess.
  2. You are the idiot if you think zaft didn’t have anything to do with the tou changes. You names everyone but zaft. Lmao ! And tou wasn’t changed to protect 14yr olds. Zaft used to extort clans from being farmed....breaks tou now. Zaft used to farm you until you reset....breaks tou now. Name a tou and zaft most likely exploited it before it was tou. Oh like insinuating some uses a bot without proof breaks tou. Remember if zaft had a hard time with some players they would cry bot. NA’s actions against the mods didn’t break tou. You can farm mods they are technically “players”. NA’s actions brought to light the abuse of power of the mods which then NA opened the devs eyes. Some forum thread wouldn’t have scared away some 14 yr old. It was actually entertaining. Geezus I can literally attach almost every current tou to zaft past actions.
    Where the hell have you been ? Kaw right ?
  3. I don’t really care who had a part or not in the progression of the ToU, all I know is that the ToU blankets many things instead of specifically targeting the negative aspects. This has caused tension with a lot of players. Hence my OP of the “off-topic” rule. It’s a blanket rule that is used at a moderators discretion. That opens up the favoritism and targeting of select individuals.
  4. So you're saying an in-game clan caused the DEVS to remove resetting, just because they could make people force reset?

    When resetting has been a feature for several years, when cf terms almost always included a reset of an account after what 2011-2?, when not only ZAFT but several others clans also included resetting as a term in ceasefire.

    Logic says this, I'm not sure logic resonates with you.

    I don't claim to know all the answers and I absolutely despise people that do, Domo ;)

  5. That is what happened dummy ...only idiots like you nate and venom would think otherwise. Your naivete' isn't cute or endearing. It's downright disturbing.
  6. Usually this part is where you try and shoot down the points I mentioned
  7. You,Nate and the like .....brainless,spineless jellyfish, sheeple who follow and believe the most transparent BS that comes along. Truly pathetic.

    Grow a brain you moron
  8. Again, this is where you disprove the points I mentioned.

    You are a sheep following domo's opinion.

    I didn't claim it was correct, I merely provided points against it.

    You guys obviously don't have the intellectual capacity to use anything other than insults so to conclude I'd like to say this...

    I hope you both have a very lovely life together :lol:
  9. Lady K're an idiot. I know it. Your mom knows it, and you know it. Try to come to terms so maybe one day you'll decide to not be one.

    Until then back to this yummy chocolate snack with sprinkles on top :)
  10. dun be upsetti

    mad cause bad lmao
  11. Kathama rises again.
  12. ^Me? I've always been here. Unlike you, Mr 62 ;)
  13. They call me Mr 69 tho.
  14. You obviously didn’t read what you wrote. You stated points that proves exactly what I wrote. I merely used zaft as an example ( the main culprits) you added more. Thanks Kas.

    Here is a question. If the community complains enough about something that’s an easy fix does the devs change it ?
  15. Ok I will pin point a few reason why we lock threads on forums.

    Also as you may noticed some small threads are being left alone, we are giving forums a go for small threads that seem to be an interesting topic to questions.

    Now, main reason why we lock threads on forums that cause.

    1: once an question has been answered for what OP has asked, so trolls do not give false information which is a forum 24 hour bannable offence.

    2: when people start personally attacking other people on forums, so there for we review the threads and may take action and help to protect a few people, yes I get that people hate us for locking threads but we do it for a reason.

    3: when a player just posts just random things that has barely no effort at all and done it on purpose is called spam, we warn the user and if they continue with their behaviour we then take furthermore action against them.

    4: most common one is when OP asks us to lock their thread so people do not go off topic for a important discussion.

    5: we also lock threads that actually go off topic from the original post, there for it is no use to stay active on forums.

    6: also we lock threads that has a lack of effort cause if we keep them up it clogs the active forums board which then moves other active threads down to another page where other users cannot see them unless they go to page 2.

    7: it is also against the ToU to discuss someone’s silence, forum ban or in game ban on our public channels, if we catch anyone doing this we will lock the thread and post a warning, if ignore then we take action.

    8: it is also against the ToU to falsely accused players for cheating, stating others buy accounts to auto clickers.

    9: we also lock threads that contains personal information or personal links or 3rd party links which is not allowed, we often allow certain links on forums but not the rest.

    So as we keep on saying number of times, if a moderator has locked a thread and YOU believe it should stay active and unlocked, please state a reason for it, another review will take place then the moderator will then decide, if you have an issue with a moderator we do highly suggest along with the developers and support members to contact moderators besides posting on forums which can lead you to a 24 hour forum ban which we do not want.

    Also we are required to post on a thread why it has been locked so op can see the post before we move it to the GY to clear forums.

    If you believe a moderator is abusing his or hers powers please open up a ticket if you cannot resolve it with a moderator and discuss it with the team, if the team believes one of us has done wrong they will then personally contact us and give us a heads up.

    So if anyone has issues with the rules please contact your moderator or anyone of us so we can help you out.

    So this is a good discussion so it will remain open, just remember no attacking people, no accusing people, keep it friendly.

    Many thanks :)
  16. Again this is a thread where off topic discussions are allowed hence the op. I also can talk about butt implants here if wanted to. So you can keep spouting the rules which don’t include the threads that you protect, it really doesn’t matter. Stacy latest thread needs merged with the same thread she wrote last week. Why isn’t both locked for redundancy until merged ? Don’t two threads of the same clog up the forums?
  17. wait people use auto clickers? for wars?
  18. ...nice strong neck, thick legs

  19. They know who does it. They just don’t do anything about it. $$$$$$$
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