:lol: Right? I mean, they’re ideas that have been suggested repeatedly over the years. If ATA was going to introduce them, they’d have done it by now. It’s still not making any new points.
LOL because smella was “trying” to be funny (remember takes intelligence) and troll meh but got triggered and went off the rails and got forum banned lol Isn’t that right smella?
It’s ridiculous. But my thread with a brand new idea gets locked for this reason: :lol: :lol: Edit: I don’t know how to link threads, so had to grab a screenshot. It’s searchable though.
It’s all good. I don’t care. It’s just a thread. I’ve got more ideas, but I’m keeping them hush hush. I’ve gotta spring them at the right time, apparently. Otherwise, people go crazy and overreact.
LOLOL ...triggered again!! what happened to all your laughing and LOLs???? Incredulous aren’t you?? You still don’t believe it lol
Idea thread Here you go, Original_Belladonna! Use the URL button on PC, and then you can understand how I linked your thread when you quote my post!
Smella you’re from Australia?? You really are poor and unemployed then ...a waiter in Australia makes 20 an hour. Pizza delivery in Australia can make 25$ an hour plus some petty tips. How are you an adult and don’t know this????
And this the average notice on the high end in Australia they can make up to 100k a year ...it’s more in the USA. If you’re willing to bust ass and hustle you can make 150k in USA ...like I said the servers in my restaurant all make 60k+ the 2 part timers make 40k
So yeah el at least this info from the net is true You really have no idea what a skilled or semi skilled craftsman/tradesman makes ...there no way you’re part of your societies workforce, you’re clueless.
deal with trade people 6 days a week , I pay then so I know exactly what they make .... plumbers , tilers , sparkies , flooring installers , you have no idea but yeah , I will listen to a know nothing septic tank about wages in my country Notice your use of servers ... fine dining lol , cause every restaurant is fine dining and makes up 100% of the the average punter eats. Nice try alt army
Which snapperhead will I catch next I run forums look at me Bella The fail Scout Meister Domo I have no main so I use statless alt army Todd