Forum; Off-Topic Change

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Original_Belladonna, Aug 14, 2018.

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  1. Geezus you guys got your noses up each other’s Butts.

    Thanks thrawn for the outdated bump
  2. Every variation of game that has a trade function has an economy
  3. I see the clan armory thread has died with 26 responses
  4. Because its a stupid idea
  5. Nah, they don’t Chad. Sorry to burst your bubble.
  6. Completely agree. So was the crap Stacy was pushing, but it got implemented. Thats why I won’t post on “their” (meaning dev backed threads) anymore.
  7. Loving the artwork that’s being displayed. :)
  8. Why does Bella say it’s an economy in one post “do we really need an economy like this” but then tells someone else that there “isn’t an economy”. I’m so confused can someone explain? It’s my first time on forums.
  9. Out of all I’ve said, you nit-pick about KaW having/being an economy? And to create an alt just to say it’s your first time on forums? #StayClassy
  10. Huh? I literally read like page 1/2 and then jumped to 21, saw something I didn’t get, so I asked:( what did I even do wrong... I didn’t know KAW was such a toxic place....
  11. Btw how do you create an “alt”, shouldn’t there only be one account per device?
  12. Another device, I imagine.
  14. Agreed.
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