Own the world. Would you rather eat 3 oz of dog poop, drink a cup of sweat from a basketball players sweaty socks, or drink a cup of drool?
Drink a cup of drool. Would u rather find a money tree, steal a billionaires money (without anyone ever knowing) or own a bank
Date. Would u rather a million dollars or 100QD on KaW. Actually scratch that u still need 1.2T to upgrade with the 100QD. Would u rather have 1M or be a well known person around the world with 750K?
Salty so I can 1V1 HIM IN Real LYFE AND FITE HM HRD! Would u rather be the one who cracked the enigma code (and remain anonymous) or be the one who cracked the enigma machine but u went out to the world and said u were the one who did it, but u get hung?
An Enigma machine was any of several electro-mechanical rotor cipher machines used in the twentieth century for enciphering and deciphering secret messages. Enigma was invented by the German engineer Arthur Scherbius at the end of World War I. If that's what you mean by enigma
Anonymous. Would you rather try to achieve your dreams and risk failure, or live a predictable modest existence that noone will remember?
Risk failure. Would you rather: Look 10 years into the future and see how your life is or be able to go back and change the mistakes in your life?
Change mistakes. holy goodness this has gotten deep. I just wanted to ask a mundane question: Would you rather wipe your butt with saran wrap or sandpaper?