Fortuna Blade Tracking

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Davey_Jones, Nov 22, 2014.

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  1. Did I miss the concept here
  2. Yes xD we're posting ppl to hit to steal swords
  3. Mistakes were made
  5. Willy willy, help me out here, why do all these mean people try to steal me after I posted here
  6. you can have my blade 
  7. LadyOfEmbers
  8. unseenwarrior
  9. Theres so many ppl in my bl with barcode names that have them xD
  10. Post names and we can copy with quote
  11. Im iDevice I can't read them
  12. Bounty_hunter1
  13. wow troll you pmed that you would take my sword an you go an make a thread lmao :) I held the sword longer than hop_bunker_ph he caught me sleep lol yet didn't hold it long as i did he lost it within the same hour that he got it, which means I was right in pm :) lol is this where I get raged farmed for telling the truth?
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