Formal apology to Yafi

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Uptown_Funk, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. Dear Iprophet,

    Again, your post baffled time and time again. You are calling out YAFI to speak English, but apparently your understanding of the English Language is quite poor. Apparently, you don't understand the language that well. As far as I know, from reading all this threads, I have not seen YAFI proclaiming victory that Cratnas is Iprophet, again, it was assumption from you.

    And in your previous post, you mentioned you won't sell out any 46&2 members. But you did manipulate Cratnas to be stripped though. Isn't Cratnas was a 46&2 member too? Again, its contradicting with your statements. But I remember that Cratnas wasn't 46&2 member as you proclaimed because he/she ran away from your clan during OSW. So you manipulate a plan to get Cratnas stripped, and yet in the previous thread, you are so concerned why Cratnas was innocently stripped. So which is which Iprophet? It starts to contradict even more in your post. I think you need more justification dude.

    Talking about posting proofs, us, Kaw Community is still waiting for your PM in regards to black Leopord PM asking you for CF(which I find it amusing and weird and the reason why you created this thread). I hope you can justify yourself to clear your good name so that you can have more friends in future. :lol: :lol:

  2. Dear Appleseeds,

    Firstly, its been awhile talking to you and you are truly an awesome warrior. Those were the days.

    Secondly, you are kinda right about Iprophet. It seems that his post has been very contradicting even though I stand in neutral point of view. :lol: :lol:
  3. Nobody is waiting for anything.
  4. I have been waiting for a few weeks since iProphet claims he can show SS of the bronze bars he has potted up. :lol:
  5. I know who you are now :lol: :lol: :lol:

    You go tido lah :lol:
  6. Tido, :? Anyone can view your account and posts and can instantly come to the conclusion that you're not at a neutral stand point.

    If you were, why make a statless pc account to post on the forums rather than your neutral main? .. Just saying man. :p
  7. I am also waiting for Ipooooophet to start a therapy as soon as possible! That can not wait! Do not play with your health๎–
  8. Does he seriously start his responses with 'dear'? Or is that in my head?
  9. Funny how iProphet dissapears once Appleseeds starts calling him out on crap.

  10. Dear Jam,

    I was on neutral point of view, but somehow, iprophets post contradicts too much and I can't help it to point out his mistakes :lol: :lol: .

    On why I am using the statless account, my main got banned last night due to high activity as per developers email and I am feverishly emailing developers to solve my issues with them. Nothing to be ashamed of, I just love this game too much and iprophet entertains me always. :p :p

    Trust above clarify.

  11. I reckon it's slightly hypocritical, what the op says, but it's also a bit true. People need to start building strength in real life, not in a game.
  12. Stop wasting your time on a game waiting for an ss, that you might never get.
  13. I've always wanted to use that hilarious response AI give you on Civ5.

    ".. Likely Story"

  14. Not really wasting time. It's quite simple actually. Request the post, wait a while go take care of RL stuff, come back to read the excuses and repeat.
  15. Really, who cares about what's the truth anymore. It's all about perception and spin doctoring, good luck to apple and prophet in the PR battle.
  16. There isn't any PR battle ;)

    I mean, iProphet is the notorious clown of KaW, there's absolutely no need to have any PR battle :lol:
    He's more of entertainment as I find something to do during the off-peak hours of business :lol:
  17. lol, fair enough apple, I want to believe his story so much as it's so appealing, like the coyote planning his elaborate trap for the roadrunner, but alas I can't. So the truth wins out, what a shame, it makes life so much more boring.

    Or maybe his lb alt is Ryan? he's been way to quiet during an OSW!
  18. Soooooo many fights on one thread! Funny stuff!๎„…๎’
  19. Iprophet only cares about 46. So is warlor just about to get a knife in the back? Or are they just cannon fodder for yafi.
  20. I'm not sure if I want to see how this turns out.