Formal apology to Yafi

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Uptown_Funk, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. Lol oli you never acted that tough before you joined such a tough clan  it's so funny to watch you. Mean while in rl your probably 5foot
  2. :eek: u gunna get bummed fowl
  3. IProphet,

    You have got to be the most narcissistic, manipulative, hypocritical douchebag I have ever encountered. It's amazing honestly, you blame people for going around in circles with what they type but you do the same exact thing over and over.

    You remind me of a guy I work with, "Dimes". He'll try and be your best damn friend one minute but the moment you turn your back there he goes dropping dimes and rattin your ass out. Must be a military thing (I know it's commended to do) so at least we know your not completely full of **** with what comes out of your mouth. I never could understand why people are so quick to turn on someone.
  4. Eats popcorn
  5. Idk any of you. But prophet sounds like fun :3
  6. Rose you never really knew me it seems. You can ask fraz here and he will disprove your whole post :lol:

    5 foot? I'm 5'11" if that means anything to you lol :lol:
  7. Fraz? As in fraz13? Lol
  8. Nope, not as in fraz13. Completely different person. I don't reset 40 different times and quit weekly
  9. Lmao!

    Was about to make that joke. Glad I clarified.
  10. So much drama, already pg15
    Popcorn anyone,,,,,
  11. Dante whatcha drinkin man. Why aren't you sharing!?
  12. Just red label dude.

  13. Dear Iprophet,

    Gosh! Again you baffled me with your post. Now you have decided to stay lurking after running out of ammo? :lol: :lol:

    Oh and wait, 46&2 did not run away because they are following orders blindly by you to leave clan and leave you all alone? thats baffled me even further. Good friends stick to each other when storms brewing, yet I am seeing the opposite. Very irony and contradicting Iprophet. It doesn't make you look good. :lol: :lol:

    Anyway, regarding manipulation, I think the clear winners have to be YAFI in my point of view. Result based on,
    1. Not only they shoot you down with accurate informations, their clan still are still together and I see lot of familiar names that I warred before.
    2. They have not lost any trillions on this wage of war.
    3. They managed to tarnish iprophet name to ground zero that now no one would want to be his friend which he is crying now :lol: :lol: .
    4. Iprophet making an apology forum post for YAFI, even thgh Iprophet wanna look tough on his post. As far as I remember, all YAFI wars, they did not make any apology thread or CF thread in records.
    5. Iprophet keep saying what shall i do? Or wad can you do abt it. Sounds butt hurt to me. :lol: :lol:
    6. A failure in real life sums up his failure in manipulation in kaw. :lol: :lol:
  14. You just said yolo and went sarcastic, you must have kaw bitches all over you now prophet.
  15. -Dante-


    Evening yafi. Tonight's entertainment will involve me and my main iprophet you tubing different videos of laughs so we feel like different people.

    I love my news is full already.
    I KaW for this ****.

    Yours sincerely,
  16. Okay. Firstly i don't see how we (46) ran from anything. That would imply there was something to play with possibly even do that fearing thing i've heard about.
    Since there isn't the best you can truthfully say is we're building bonds with our allies and pot stocking.
    @ "Cratnas is iProphet!!" I can't even grasp this. Not a one of you pay attention to how either handles themselves for one. And obviously you don't know crat to judge. Other wise you wouldn't be buying this crap yafi's suggesting if so. In the years i've known crat never could i even pretend he's p. (love yah crat)
    Those of you riding this for drama play else where its getting pathetic.
  17. Fraz. THats great. It's exactly who I am.

    This is just now common knowledge? Get real! I sell fools out all the time. If you don't bleed 46, I'll sell you out too.

    Like its a secret that suddenly surfaced. Lol.

    Apple I've given you plenty of proof. - you've provided none other than twisting words

    If yafi is so sure They stripped my main all they need to do is show it here in forums. One ss of proof would kill all this and truly make me look like an utter fool. Which is what you want. So why not do it? I'm darin ya billy, I'm darin ya.

    Just as the last thread went on and my points were shown there. It will continue here in this one.

    Hopefully yafi can actually come forward with proof to back what they say when try accuse me of being someone I'm not. Don't make a new thread cause this one gets deleted like last one.

    Also yafi please remember. English is the only acceptable language of use in forums. 
  18. As far as I am concerned, and as far as everyone can see, you have yet to show the bronze bars you claimed you have potted up. That has been a few weeks, more than sufficient for you to do any photoshop :lol:

    And as far as I can see, none of your SS proves or shows anything except that you are a megalomaniac, and that you backstab your friends. ;)

    So it is a joke to say you have given plenty of proof, because they prove nothing apart from things about you :lol:

    Yup, I know you have done it before, and you will do it again. :lol:

    "I'm darin ya billy, I'm darin ya."
    -- Symptoms of a megalomaniac :lol:
  19. So, you "bleed 46?"

    Tell me how so? Just til you get fed up again, say **** it make yet another retirement thread to only come back a few months later?

    Seems like you stir up too much **** to handle and use it as a cop out
  20. One interesting fact on iProphet

    On forum he says it is his major plan to get Cratnas stripped.
    On pm, he asks for us to leave Cratnas be. :lol:

    The care and concern he showed for Cratnas... wow :eek:
    Yet he said earlier he planned this for months!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    He silently cares for all of you KaW players out there! Really!! :lol: :lol:

    This is one reason why I said iProphet is self-contradictory in words and actions ;)