Formal apology to Yafi

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Uptown_Funk, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. Thanks for giving me something to do while my food digested before i go work out, prophet. Maybe you are a little more than nothing.
  2. It is so easy to make a nickname called Derek in Pal :lol:
    I just did it and joked about it ;)

    Or maybe, maybe, just maybe, that the KaW developers are worrying about a mentally ill patient being part of their customer. I mean, they can't just delete you away, because it is customer service :lol: :lol: :lol:

    And it sure looks like a desperate attempt to bring on another "authority" in a last ditch effort to save your credibility. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    More loopholes by iProphet
    Claimed to have plotted for months, but
    1) only shows SSes of very recent chats, like wow! :lol:
    2) doing his very best to help clear Cratnas' name instead :lol: :lol: :lol:
    not once, not twice ;) ;) ;) :lol:
    3) posted initially that he heard Cratnas wasn't stripped, then suddenly posted he saw it in his CC with glee, then out of a sudden posted a grand master scheme. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  3. Yea there's gotten to be to many holes in this story. It is quite amusing n I can't help but keep reading the posts
  4. Proph,

    How in the hell is it possible that in This thread last post on the page you state...

    Seems to me that 2+2 doesn't =4
    Care to do that math for me? 
  5. Lol the megalomaniac show is going on!
  6. As a representative of YAFI, I accept your apology. Cf granted
  7. Lul at yafi. Expecting someone to bow down because youve taken vurtual gold from them lol. Cool story bro. NoW gtfo. But to show im not completely one sided here. Iproph. Youre ignorant. You spew idiocy and probably in one way or another deserved being farmed. But ya know. All of you are idiots. So 
  8. Drgn was better for sure, but this is still good
  9. Wanna your not allowed to falsely quote.
    Also bb and pots have the same return pay guys. Pay attention.
  10. Lock this thread!!!!
  11. Op is an evil genius.
    evil evil genius. the move with cratnas? Brilliant. evil. Brilliant. they say it's your main and you are just covering up, but they're stupid. why wouldn't you manipulate yafi into attacking someone you disliked? I would if i was in your shoes! And to allow a rumor to continue that actually leads to your main? Ridiculous. Uncharacteristic.
    No, you planned this all.
    You cold bastard. I love it!
  12. I doubt he planned most of it, the pieces just fell in place. Doesn't make it less awesome
    Though :p
  13. To many lies and half truths along with loop holes going on with this story. 3rd party apps are very easy to fake conversations and dates and make it look like something happen that never happen.

    The one truth here is that op seems mentally dysfunctional and the megalomaniac tittle he was given seems very fitting.
  14. He may be crazy but damn he's smart
  15. @Imaster! Yes he is smart enough to satisfy a butt hurted and brainless jerk like you
  16. They are the easiest to amaze 
  17. butt hurted and brainless jerk. Dude, I've heard worst insults slung at me in middle school. Come on now.
  18. Butt hurted. Buttspanker. Lots of butt talk. It appears that guy has a fixation with anus
  19. part of megalomaniac syndrome :lol: