Forgiveness: Fallacy or Freedom?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AW_BlackFission-_-Wolf_NO, May 6, 2017.

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  1. That's a statement. The 'exactly' gives it away
  2. Do you know anything about English grammar? "What is..." <~~ IS A QUESTION!! As for "exactly", holy hell... if that "stopped" you from understanding the OP, you belong ona playground with the other kids... not in a serious thread about helping people understand Forgiveness

    **EDIT** Here's a neat quote for ya- "Don't throw out the baby with the bath water" <~~ Ok sir Intellect, let's hear it. What do I mean by that?
  3. 'Exactly' is a modifier which turns it into a statement.


    a value or principle that is regarded as universally valid or that may be viewed without relation to other things.
    "good and evil are presented as absolutes"
  4. In this case the absolute is the concept of forgiveness being defined in ops statement regardless of individual circumstance.
  5. LMFAO! You're clueless xD. Existentialism is a universal term for those who seek to understand our meaning in life's exisitence... As with Forgiveness!! It's a universal term that CAN be applied by EVERYONE regardless of CIRCUMSTANCE. Nothing in there FORCES any ABSOLUTE one thing on ANYONE. how THEY decide to perceive FORGIVENESS is UP TO THEM, as the OP IS JUST AN EXPLANATION FOR PEOPLE TO UNDERSTAND A DEEPER MEANING TO IT.

    It's NOT rocket science. Get it?
  6. If he offered the alternatives to the concept of forgiveness and or not isolate the concept I could agree. But I cannot when ops statement may not be good advice in certain circumstances.

    Consider fight or flight circumstances for example. Forgiveness may or may not come after a time, but is completely impractical to the dilemma at hand.
  7. This is why I consider it an absolute statement because when giving advice it is being used as a blanket statement and doesn't take individual circumstance into consideration. Its potentially ill suited 'advice' .
  8. Here's a quick lesson in Ego-

    Ego, in essence, is a form of denial. It permits only a very small viewpoint of any circumstance as being fact or rubbish. It is Proven fact, ego is the most effective way to hinder inner growth, as ego has no real basis i fact or honesty. The unique honesty required to "see" ego, is the very thing that Ego intentionally hides from the seeker.

    "Change will happen when we've hurt enough that we no longer wish to continue that path"

    Ego will not let you grow. It will not let you listen. It will not let you see. Your "absolutes theorem" is absolute rubbish. Go bonk ur head off a wall, knock some that ego out
  9. Are u ignorant on purpose or were u born that way???

    How many people is the OP talking to and/or about? THOUSANDS, MAYBE MORE! Of course it's a blanket Guide ya dimwit!! If I made it to only apply to 3 people, whoopdee friggin doo! That does no gd now does it??
  10. Throwing stones in glass houses?
  11. If that shatters your glass house, then gd. It's doing u no gd anyways, Obviously
  12. Aren't we really all just reflections? Isnt what are you are seeing is your own reflection?

    The reality is your inability to see my point of view to demonstrate your lack of ego speaks volumes.

    There's nothing wrong with being challenged when presenting philosophical ideologies.
  13. Correction- There's nothing wrong with being challenged, by legitimate and valid points, when presenting philosophical ideologies.

    Your "absolutes" dont exist. Come back with a valid point. We'll discuss that.

    The students in buddhism who would bring forth a point like urz to an Ajahn, would simply be told to figure it out. The teacher knows where the "absolute' point stems from- Ego. They are fully aware there is nothing that can be taught while the student is founded in Ego. Simple as that
  14. I have. Several times.

    The retort had been typically ad hominem - if you want to give advice maybe you should demonstrate it first (helpful tip).
  15. I bring forth to you the Nature of this OP... Forgiveness. I've already forgiven you your ignorance. 'Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.'

    I am demonstrating the teaching. You're welcome
  16. A wolf in sheeps clothing is still a wolf.

    Caveat emptor!!
  17. Stop Trolling this thread. I've been informed who you are, and your reasons behind your pointless debate. That debate ends here. This is a topic for real discussion. Further trolling will be reported. thanks
  18. I have stayed on topic. Pls stop the trolling references to me personally
  19. Back to the topic...

    Forgiveness is sometimes necessary, sometimes not. Circumstance dictates.
  20. lmao. Changed your tone awfully quick.

    I'll reiterate as per OP- Forgiveness has nothing to do with "Them". Forgiveness is "never necessary". We can choose to live our life like Rogue if we so wish. But those of us who want a better understanding, a way to enjoy a bit more freedom, also have the choice to forgive. Circumstances don't dictate forgiveness. 10 people can have the same "circumstance" happen. Seven of them may choose the burden of anger. 2 may choose to do the age ole "it doesnt bother me..." And 1 may see, thinking- well that hurt... but I don't wish to hate them. And forgive, thus the burden on that chooser's heart is a wee bit less because of that decision.
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