Playing another similar game while waiting for regen... That's one contributing factor to a dead cc... I've seen this happen to my clan... FC, GaW, CoC...
FC doesn't suck, it's very challenging though. Growth does take a long time and people actually hit you ZOMG. And to the person who said "crash their pwars"... Good luck. The average FC player would eat the average KaW player alive when it comes to OSW. I'd say if you haven't tried it before try it now. Don't expect a cake walk like you have in KaW though.
From what I'm reading FC sounds like what kaw should if been, a war game instead of an equipment/gold chasing grind fest...Everytime I think I'm done grinding to keep up new equipment or tiers come out and it's back to grind fest to keep up. I'm currently shopping for a new app game, not many good choices out there unfortunately
FC was fun but the lack of Dev support turned me off the game.. I've played many others like kaw , FC, and gaw but the new adds to kaw make it fun. As far as warring.. If your not warring here your not trying. I'm a war hound and there are so many clans here to fight. Just pick one and hit attack .. Game on Go try FC tho its fun for actual war D O M I N A T O Validated by Renn Primus Inter Pares First Among Equals