For the Love of Cookies Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Storallelite, Mar 24, 2011.

  1. 1337.

    I see what you did there.
  2. Leeeet!
    I'd have more Stora but I only have a 8GB iPod.
    My PC has around 3500 songs.
  3. What's Leeeet?
  4. ._. Goodness, Feather.
  5. By the way, I'll post all the references when I post the next chapter.
    So far, no one has any Internet points, and no free hugs.
  6. Can I has a hug? ._. Pwease?
  7. *leaving hug*
  8. *Leaving hugs* :3
  9. I just wanted to say, in the second paragraph alone there are several references.

    I'm surprised no one got them.
  10. Whoa... I think if I keep downloading songs at the rate I'm going at right now though I'll catch up to you soon paradox but fortunately I have 32GB of memory.