For the Love of Cookies Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Storallelite, Mar 24, 2011.

  1. YAY! It's very very good :D

  2. I'll fix the BBcodes later…
  3. It's very... Original?
    But I think I've seen another thread with a similar name. And its a little slow at the start. Very funny though :lol:
    I love bob :lol:
  4. A nice change from all the depressing action-filled stories out there. (not that I don't like them) but this is really good. 
  5. Two words (or if you count these and the ones before these, thirteen): Freaking hilarious.
  6. New chapters.

    I'll fix all broken bbcodes tomorrow.
  7. Great stuff! Just the bbcodes I think
  8. You brokened teh bbcodes.

    Other than that: <3
  9. I butchered teh BBcodes.
  10. ._. You slowly tortured them, then butchered them.
  11. Best story ever
  12. Fixed BBCodes.
  13. <3 The BBCodes then came back to life.
  14. it rocks! I liked the playlist part. I've heard of a few of the bands you listen to Paradox.
  15. Please continue it is genuinely intriguing... :cool:
  16. New chapter is up.

    I would also wish to note that this chapter is dedicated to Choco. As today; 15th of June 2012 is the day she quits.

    That is all.
  17. <3 Thanks, Para…

    Didn't spot the references, because I'm tired as hell. And it's not even five o'clock yet. Sigh...
  18. Great chapter! Didn't find the quotes things though.

    And BTW you only have 439 songs in your iDevice? I have 1337....
  19. I only have 100 something...