For the Love of Cookies Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Storallelite, Mar 24, 2011.

  1. Erm... Who was the "last muffin?"

  2. "last muffin"? Hmm well do you mean the muffin in the basket? If that's what u meant...then it's just a muffin. Not all the muffins are alive
  3. Great stuff! I love co-writing, especially this story. So much imagination.
    I just wish we got more comments. *cough*
  4. Good good
  5. Ty! (On behalf of both of us lol)
  6. I want COOKIES! NAO!

    (And MOAR story too )
  7. That's down to Stora. Not me.
  8. I'm on vacation, I need a break too! Lol But I think my excessive KaW playing is making me lose hair...
  9. New chapter Plz leave comments! Thx
  10. This is AWESOOOME  A sweet-based world and dog police? Heck yeah! Keep up the good work 
  11. Lol Glad u like it :D
  12. The giltch in space time has returned with a story. :)