For the Love of Cookies Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Storallelite, Mar 24, 2011.

  1. New chapter! Sorry for fail BB Codes, I'll fix them later
  2. Fixed the BB Codes
  3. Took awhile srry but next chapter is up!
  4. And it's brilliant 
    And now to out do you 

  5. @Kill Thankyou! Outdo me? never! Lol I'm sure you will
  6. Hmm I just noticed some mistakes I'll fix it tonight. And add links that I never got around to adding I guess
  7. small mistakes are fixed, links added
  8. It's back and kicking
  9. Yup you definitely outdid me
  10. Wow.... That's more random than cnknd 030 I dunno what to say about it
  11. Stop articulating your craving for cookies and get back to atlantric
  12. Oi! You! Stora is doing Atlantric but it's exam season. She co-wrote on her own accord. Now stop complaining.
  13. @Keir Cookies are cool(and yummy), giant rabbits are cute and crazy pirates are funny!! I am sometimes in shock of KaW's lack of humor
    But I'm halfway through the next chapter of Atlantric and I just finished my last exam that I can study for...

    @Kill or Paradox  Ty
  14. Stora's back!! 

    Back from revising anyway...
  15. Dum dum duuuuum
  16. Next chapter is up!