Food Talk [D]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Devouring, Mar 27, 2015.

  1. Stopping what? You think the government should control the price of everything? They can't just miraculously say that healthy food is suddenly cheaper. That's not how it works.
  2. They do that with drugs. Why not food?
  3. Stopping what? Business owners making profitable business decisions?

    I hope you never make it past the court office.

    Inb4 dictator
  4. I'm not sure what exactly you're referring too when you say "drugs", and I don't know how US healthcare works, but if you're saying pharmaceutical drugs are cheaper than they could be because the Government makes it that way, it would be because they're subsidizing the price. And as I said, that costs money.
  5. Stop serving unhealthy food. Or at least raise the prices, for example a burger should be more expensive than a sale.
  6. Dude the government CANNOT regulate prices of businesses in America. It's unconstitutional.

    What is so hard to understand? Seriously.
  7. More than one in three adults in America is considered obese, and the obesity epidemic has contributed to a steady increase in health care costs. We're constantly told to eat right and get some exercise. But that doesn't seem to be cutting it. Some say we need to put our money where our mouths are and use financial incentives to change people's eating habits.

    Commentator and doctor Mitchell Katz says it's time to serve up a tax on junk food. (David Lazarus)
  8. Okay sure? I'm not saying you can't tax junk food. That isn't going to make healthy food cheaper. It will just make people pay more for food.
  9. That's why we should lower the price for healthy food. It's a win.
  10. It doesn't matter what wanna be politician reporters with screens telling them what to say think, it won't happen.

    It's unconstitutional, unjust and it nulls all the ideas of freedom in America.

    It would ruin the economy. People would stop buying food in general. #hydroponics.

    It doesn't matter what you or I think, because it cannot happen.
  11. Seath: Than come up with a better solution.
  12. I don't know where your concept for the gov controlling prices of businesses came from, but I'm curious.
  13. There is no better solution than waiting for America to mature.

    It's Seth btw
  14. So do you think the schools is to blame? Because they aren't educating our kids about unhealthy foods. Btw trust me they aren't educating the kids about what's healthy and whats unhealthy. Schools even serve unhealthy food. And the government can ban unhealthy food from school campuses.
  15. The education system isn't to blame.

    These are the reasons to blame:

    1) convenience
    2) poverty
    3) self induced ignorance

    My education has taught me plenty about food. I understand the effect of sugar and starches, and how energy is used in the body.

    I know meat isn't what humans evolved eating. Our brains evolved and learned to hunt for meat.

    Unhealthy food is typically cheaper because it's easier to produce. Smart business decisions are smart.

    Unhealthy food is more abundant, and easier to obtain.

    People openly choose to eat some chips rather than an orange. That's their choice. If you want to water rather than a coke, go ahead, but you aren't gonna dictate my drink intake.
  16. How about you get off your pedestal and stay the out of other people's lives. I pay my taxes, mortgage, etc - and go to work every day to do and eat and go where I wish. That is the beauty of this country. Don't like me? Don't like what I eat? Don't like what I read ? Go yourself - worry about yourself and your family - mine is not of your concern. People that preach and preach about how others live really irritate me - pay my bills - and put money in savings for me and then you can decide what I can and can't do. Get the out of here

  17. The main resin people don't eat good is its almost X2 as much. McDonald's hamburger $1 McDonald's salads $4 in a fast paced world at lest two of your meals are not home cooked. I day no to the tax why cuz then it will be McDonald's hamburger $6 McDonald's salads $4. Nor to say it would not help people lose weight but most can't afford to eat as it is. Does the government need to step in no cuz everywhere they do the mess up everything only the people here are to blame you want to be skinny then do what's needed n spend more to do it. Don't make every one have to do the same thing that's what's nice about USA (maybe not foe much long but that's another conversation )
  18. Not all obese people are big bc they eat to much. What about diseases? Heart disease for example can make you gain wait. I'm not an expert and may be wrong on this, but pretty sure healthy food can't cure heart disease....
  19. No our school are for teaching reading , math , history, science, and if ur lucky the arts. People need to start being parents and teach there kids and say no every now and again with getting in trouble with government for saying so. (But again that's another topic)