Food for Thought...Xmas Wish list

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nighthawk_FPBO_1, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. Re: Food for Thought...

    The issue isn't that eb people do ebs. Plenty do ebs and war and PvP. Or just ebs and PvP (myself) how would that be fair to me?
  2. I'm not understanding ur post. Clarify instead of copy n paste an entire post thx
  3. War buildings r for EE n PvP n have no effect on eb's. Anyone HFBC already do fine on eb's as is. This idea is just that an idea. Idk if new lands r needed at all but I suggest if they r released can they focus on war. New lands with no effect on eb's will not widen the gap on eb plunder.

    Simply tossing out a novel idea n if it gets momentum or gets revised n used in some part so be it. If it goes nowhere so be it also.
  4. It's a good idea.

    My point is that people wouldn't be able to utilise the full lands they have available, if one set of land is aimed purely at war.

    It's effectively forcing them to buy the buildings just so that if they do get attacked, they would be able to respond, I don't really see how that's fair, if you do then please elaborate.
  5. 75 lands is enuf for eb only ppl.
    25 new lands r for warriors n might encourage more ppl to war. The scales r tipped too far towards eb only ppl. At least bring more to warring.
    If ppl do not buy towers its a moot point. Currently HFBC takes a long time n not concerned if ppl war or not after that point. More lands should have a purpose other than for eb only ppl to amass more plunder for no purpose eg war or PvP