FOD Findings from Switchblade

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *old-SwitchBlade- (01), May 5, 2012.

  1. You can't complete last 3% by yourself.. You take maybe 1/3 a % an unload
  2. You can't complete last 3% by yourself.. You take maybe 1/3 a % an unload
  3. Well if fully potted including new pots, all mith spells, and massive BFA, how's it not possible?
  4. Have you seen the size of his rear ? Believe me buddy... He can take the load !
  5. Good job switchblade. I hope u don't get the sword so you can keep running the clan
  6. Are you planning on doing this for other item EBs eventually?
  7. Great idea ( still sword less  ) doing for other eb's.
    Who wants to start one? or two? or.....
  8. As a 0/0/0/0 build I don't think I can get a sword haha. I did the final 3% on my main mithed to the eyeballs. Max pots and burned 6 crystals. Yes it's possible.

    Why would I make it up? Lol.
  9. I got my sword from switch blade.
  10. In response to other clans. Yes it is certainly something I am looking into. Certainly for the shield. Other items drop pretty easily so I don't think it will be worth doing.
  11. Impossible . I've analyzed fod in every aspect, average player cannot do 3% solo.
  12. Again why would I lie? I'm just doing what I can to irradiate these outlandish theories and help the kaw community understand the dynamics of this epic battle.
  13. 2theories running switch.
    1. Kick down items to 0. Than let them regen till sweetspot. Kickdown them down again. Only after 4regens from 0 to sweetspot, you finish the eppie.
    That is supposed to give more swords. We had 4 one time after a week with 1/0 drops.

    2. Just let Life regen to over 10%. For more drops.

    Any ideas on these?
    Love the clan idea btw. I ll come for a visit if you ll have me. 
  14. How much more time does that take? And you are of the right size so your welcome to join us ;)
  15. Das Bumpin It
  16. So far working well.....

  17. I feel lucky at switch
  18. I have all the respect in the world for the idea as well as you switch but I ran hundreds of Fods and compared my results side by side to yours and the sword drop rates were almost identical. Great idea and worth the experiment but I just don't see a significant if any difference
  19. Das Bump

  20. Thanks for the theories. I can certainly see how it may improve sword drops. My understanding of the dynamics is that drops are based on action numbers. By dropping n re-gening the bar you increase the number of actions in the EB.

    Clever, I like that idea.