I think now that there should be a better intro or updated tutorial to inform them what has happened, what will happen, and how it effects them in ways that will make them want to stay.
That's been for almost a year of "benefit of the doubt". In that time our biggest influx of new players was from 2 other games shutting down. That's a precedent we don't like which is why threads like this exist.
Nice idea but im not sure it matters. The interface, graphics and gameplay of kaw is old and clunky compared to more recently developed comparable games like coc. Why would a new player start here at this point? I think thier best strategy may actually be player retention...keeping people who have invested time and money in developing kaw accounts from abandoning and jumping to newer games with more bells and whistles.
Support - If there aren't any new players joining the game allies are just going to keep being more over priced and more overpriced as years go by.
I fully support this thread! Also i think it might motivate new players if there were some more lower eb equipments. I'm not talking big stats equips here, but stuff like the reck legs and the spiky helmet, stats wise. Now let's hope the devs finally pick up on these issues, because it would be nice if more players then the 1/10 we have now keep playing kaw a little longer then 2 days.
They did focus on new accounts they killed volley dropping allies so it takes what 2 weeks to get 60% back the killed tier 1 2 3 plubder bonus from ebs you use ro he able to do forgotten ones hit the gem phase and make a quick 2 billion now you get 300m it is virtually impossible these days to start playing kaw hit ebs and grow at any rate that would keep you interested in playing its so ridiculous
Honestly, I can't tell you how many times I've tried to understand kaw and quit. Reading guides after guides didn't help much but atleast I'm a lot less confused now
Major support here. I spend a lot if time helping new players and the game setup is not helping. Ive made a thread (Drowning in a sea of failing clans) and added to the "Ideas and Development" thread but still nothing has been done. DEVS - How about an addition to the grey "Newbie" spell which keeps them at maxit ally plunder for the first week. That gives us a chance to teach them about it without them complaining that "they keep getting hired" or "they cost too much" or "but there aren't any" Come on Devs, we are trying to help you make money by expanding your customer base.
Just an idea... We have mods and vks But maybe create a group of individuals willing to dedicate their time to teaching new players. I get that mods and vks are given their titles for contributions to the community, but with the constant immaturity mods are busy dealing with silencing and what not. And several current vks are mods, others I'm not even sure what it is they do except the occasional thread.
I think it'll be helpful if new players got a list of moderators whom they could message and asks questions about the game.