I agree with you there benny, but in the long run they will lose more members without a steady income of new players.
It's a business default strategy. Enterprises focus on their current clients because it's easier to keep current client that trying to get more. They want to provide a better experience that also leaves some profit (and they seemed to hit the jack pot, seals are a hell of a business now).
Not focusing on new players and maximizing profit from current player base is exactly what it sounds like though when speaking in business. Reality is the game most likely already exceeded it's expectations and everything here on out is additional profit and nothing more. Despite what everyone likes to believe one day this game will end. Devs are just doing what most business people would do in this situation. They're trying best to maximize profit yield while it's still available to be raked in. The current development of the game isnt for prolonged existence but rather fast immediate profit. However long the game lasts is just happenstance. The day the cost exceeds the profit we're all given free achievements to a game still yielding profit.
Oh and support. I'm all for helping new players and am just happy I'm not one right now. :lol: Starting from the bottom up with no knowledge on game mechs would not be fun seeing 40 mil cs people roaming about.
The big people have their HTE and RotW i agree they have enough for now and we should holster support for newbs.
I dont necessarily think getting more money from eb is that big of a deal for noobs. IF YOU WANT NEW PLAYERS. MAKE INCENTIVES. Free xtals/Nobs when join etc In such a pragmatic society. Bribing is best
i did mention the fact that a larger player base would increase the amount of potential paying customers, didn't i? not really. it probably took me less time to write it than it took most people to read it. :lol:
Yeah I support in making an easier transition from new to small/mid size. Help them to help us so to speak.
I support this thread.. Truthfully, Kaw business had reached maturity stage where new players form a relatively low income contribution comparing to Mature players (more then 2years). Doing nothing to motivate and attracting new players will lose business steam when mature players retiring one after another one. Business sustainability can only reached when new players can replace older players that goes retire constantly. KAW also need to analyze which stats of players are most motivated to spend and contribute highest sales turnover, and start helping smaller players to reach that level at shorter time. Moderator suppose to act as motivator that help and make the games more interesting, however, it seem not.. Hope this help!
Without new players kaw will lose out just like GAW and FC did and in the end the demise of once again another ata game, so support fully!!!
I just restarted an alt and there are no allies to hire until about 1 bil, so something needed to change to you can hire allies at a small size
Or, as word said in the OP, make the ally plunder bonus less significant for players just starting out.
Patiences guys. Maybe they are working on some of these things and it's just taking a while. They aren't blind. They see how few players are starting to play now days. Give em the benefit of the doubt.
Yeah sure. But ata has financial advisers, 5 years of statistics and 5 (with a new 6th) online applications to review and determine the best way to profit.