FNS declares war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Alaguerre, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Tommy -
    At least the part about loving osw seems honest.
  2. Mourga really your going to question the character of the French? If your gonna sit there and do the same as honkey did and insinuate the French have bad character I say your just as bad. Regardless if it is lies as you claim which I find hard to believe you don't sit there and claim your people didn't have nothing to do with it when you as an owner sits there and does it. You are a leader of a clan you don't sit there and tell your people to not say this and turn and do it yourself. Prove nothing I would tell FNS just sit back and enjoy the ride cause its gonna get bumpy. Make sure you have your seatbelt on 
  3. More fun without a seatbelt 
  4. Dmd
    No - I implied that these people claiming to represent "the French" are not acting with honesty. As I have stated and no one has challenged. Prove me wrong.

    If it came across that I labeled the French with FsN dishonesty I blame it on my lack of ability to communicate my thoughts clearly and apologize.
  5. Understood Ty for clarifying that. I to do that sometimes. However proving anything is not up me
  6. CHAMPAGNE!!!! 
  7. Mourga you sure like to double talk don't you? Talk all big and mighty on ur wall and then whine and say this war isn't your fault in the forums. Here are the facts. I have seen enough on the forums and your wall to osw. Don't need any other reason. In fact Perse being a close friend is enough to perm farm you. Another fact: you are facing 5% of our might. We will add 5% every day until you meet our cf terms. And with every little comment made going forward from your side, our cf terms and might will increase. You will learn making threats you can't back up isn't a wise move in Kaw. And we are here to teach you that lesson.
  8. Support to TFK, Let the flames begin and the tears flow ;)

    ༺Տ թ Ɏ Տ Ɏ N Đ l· C Â Ⱦ Σ༻
  9. Support only to talk
  10. Is honkey the LSA member that started all this with his mouth? Or was it a different one
  11. 5% of your might?

    Just hit them and quit talking 
  12. Zerg is an OSW clan? Since when?
  13. Hey guys, war is going on, you can thank honkey, the man who talk about "big talk", but who talk even more than the others... So please stop talking about French peeps, you don't seems to know them very well. Just Fight. There is no more other outcome
  14. LSA is well known for writing checks with their mouths that they can't cash in osw. Remember when the former owner of LSA, TravisLSA, posted his own wall saying bet we couldn't get him to 10k losses during W.A.R.'s osw with LSA a few years back? He promptly deleted that wall post after we put 7k losses on him. Everyone had a good laugh at that one.
  15. I remember when you met our ceasefire demands. Don't remember this bit though, screen shot to refresh our memory?

    Well, you aren't me. I'm me. And Honk as I call him, is one of my team. He backs all of us, and we back him. Whether you feel he represents the clan well or not is your opinion, and none of us care. Appreciate the respect regardless, and we'll continue what we do.

    LSA FIGHTING

  16. Cough cough cough!!!! I smell BS!!!! Don't see any lsa on my news beside honkey donkey
  17. Oh, they we there tommy baby. :)
  18. We gotta CA to follow, and I hope your excuse is you're following yours too, because other than raffies, all I've got is EB notications.

    Is my stable too mighty for your "5%" ?

  19. ...A whole war just because no1 will apologise for hurting the French people's feelings. Great work guys- no leg to stand on really considering an apology was the answer even if it was an apology for a misunderstanding.... Jealous of your war... Support to TFK 