FNS declares war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Alaguerre, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Lawl,you will have no runners silly.
  2. Support to my French brothers (and sisters) 
  3. Should strip all of Zerg just cause of this idiot lolxero guy.
  4. I personally hate the French language it was the worst subject ever in school I could never understand it.
  5. Oli, that's not very nice, especially since I'm great friends with you on my main. Why such harsh words? What did I say to make you upset? 
  6. Lolxero has a main please tell
  7. Lmao, Tommy! He's put away in a safe place. Maybe one day we can meet, I'll take you on a date and take all your cash.
  8. In your dreams sweet heart
  9. Love you tommy!
  10. Man two known osw clans going at it. Nice
    good luck to both sides. ( rooting for tfk)
  11. I don't like posting these forums but there has been enough finger pointing that i feel there must be some clarification.

    1- A visiting player apparently said something offensive and claimed all by himself that he had Zerg support (this was not approved by any Zerg council members).

    2- Apparently Mirs waited a couple of days before approaching a Zerg admin to report the problem. and demanded an apology

    3- the zerg admin that Mirs contacted told the VISITING offending player to apologize or take the issue and leave - he chose to leave within 20 minutes of Mirs first contact.
    - his clan admins in LSA were notified of the issue and ****they posted an apology****

    4- Mirs was not satisfied and decided to change tactics. Mirs stated that Zerg is LSA clan - claimed to have proof but **refused** to show said proof every time it is request (despite it being an obvious lie). Mirs demanded that Zerg and LSA apologize because they assume Zerg is LSA. Mirs then started stripping Zerg members.

    5 - Several non-ally clan members posted this very thread to let them know they (FnS) ARE DEAD WRONG. More than 20 other clans have offered to vouch that this is the case as well. INCLUDING 2 OF FRENCH KNIGHTS very own ALLY CLANS

    6-the clan owner of LSA posted that Zerg is not LSA

    7- zerg advised Mirs again that we don't control other players. We agree to be responsible for OUR members and advised that we cannot control someone other than to have them leave our clan if they will not comply.

    FNS - You have made several accusations. You have provided no proof. I have ss of everything stated above and can back my statements. Don't post any responses you cannot back up. Your clan has attacked based on assumptions and ignorance.
    Your whole justification for this was was that zerg is lsa and Lsa member was disrespectful and hitting your member. Now that we show yet again that this is not true, it comes down to this:

    Do you man up and apologize for this mistake? Or do you continue to war KNOWING that you are fighting based on a lie?
  12. How about somebody just gives omega's lb acct buahahahahah but seriously two number 6's in post above cmon bro. Support tfk-omega is hiding accts elsewhere, my first guess is zerg lol
  13. Hey Moung,

    Who cares about your "clarifications"?
    First of all let me remind you that this osw started because of racism and because of noobs hitting my guys followîng our comments agaisnt racism.

    Then concerning your points Zerg/LSA are the same or are not the same, honestly i dont care.
    You allow guys hitting from your clan during days, you allow guys hitting my members with your support (read walls), you allow guys being rude against my people just cause they are playing a game, and this should stay without consequences ??
    Concerning your links with LSA, i was tracking your all moves for weeks with spies inside your clan  so please dont take me for noob!

    I gona finish by the fact that before osw i offered you and your noob allies LSA a chance to apologise in a dedicated forum but because of your ego you dont want, ok no probs.

    Now the time for you is to pay a bill...

    GL to Zerg but its too late.

  14. Ruthless clan the French can be, I feel sry for the other guys
  15. 1- if u were tracking Zerg for weeks then u must obviously have some ss to back up your statements. Lets see them.

    2 - not one Zerg member had said anything as I previously outlined, before you started this little altercation . Show me proof - quit making up stories. If u fail to show proof all of KAW will see that you are a liar, proved by your own words.
  16. First of all vanquish, its not racism. I mocked your country not your race. I never said anything about anybody''s race or religion or sex EVER. Im not racist evidenced by my name. I am white and i call myself a honkey.

    Now... when i said "Zerg said to bang it out" i was talking to toomygunz about me and toomygunz in our little 1v1. He tried to say i was hiding in Zerg. I dont hide anywhere. Ever. I was hansel at the time and wanted to keep my troops empty. Spies for tommy. I announced my 1v1 at the door and Zerg said keep it 1v1. I did.
  17. You are all butthurt like toddlers. Its not my fault that a certain country i will not name is considered weak throughout the world. Just like its not your fault that America is seen as fat and ugly. LLC made many slurs to me about being american. I made some back about being french. So what. I am here and your boy tommy is not. He escelated things and you have been proven that you dont know what your talking about. You want my alts i will give you a hint. 1 of them is in your alliance. Find him. I would never be dumb enuff to keep an alt in a ally clan. I will apologize to you when tommy apologizes to me and Zerg. LSA dont need your apology we love this kind of stuff.
  18. So if your belief is that when i said "Zerg said to bang it out" in translation that means me and tommy can farm each other until the cows come home. Your dilusional.
  19. As for you tommygunz what happened to ya? Im not impressed. Your bigger than me.... whats your problem? You need friends?? I only used this account on you. You have the advantage. Im not impressed with you or your big talk. Big big talk and then get lots of friends and throw rocks at bystanders. Your a punk.