FNS declares war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Alaguerre, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. yawns....

    @stormy aka storm in heaven on p35

    you yesterday had no complaints about what i did on my wa.l wosh had kept them now
    saying i was small fry, yet today the pain is well there....

    shame you lost war by 300mil close.

    you aslo said i had no effect on you well mate you lost you war by small amount and today you whine about

    also you where pathtic i do such a hostile action to you stooge

    and you dont even do anything no inc after the ee war to date even though during your mith eb i pinned you so could have as many actions fir a recoup some losses

    really quite sad tiz its only stormy

    ps all he dont hit you back if you buy allys in ee got that stripers!

    next time dont pretend not to be so sore espvas you didnt think of doing that you jealous

    pps devs have said its valid tactic hire allys of ppl in ee
    so with mirs saying to daddy any alts main is fair game well u still are even in ee
  2. yawns....

    @stormy aka storm in heaven on p35

    you yesterday had no complaints about what i did on my wa.l wosh had kept them now
    saying i was small fry, yet today the pain is well there....

    shame you lost war by 300mil close.

    you aslo said i had no effect on you well mate you lost you war by small amount and today you whine about

    also you where pathtic i do such a hostile action to you stooge

    and you dont even do anything no inc after the ee war to date even though during your mith eb i pinned you so could have as many actions fir a recoup some losses

    really quite sad tiz its only stormy

    ps all he dont hit you back if you buy allys in ee got that stripers!

    next time dont pretend not to be so sore espvas you didnt think of doing that you jealous

    pps devs have said its valid tactic hire allys of ppl in ee
    so with mirs saying to daddy any alts main is fair game well u still are even in ee
  3. damm double post
    also congrats for the wuv keeping me pinned today
  4. sorry forgot to add you kept me at pin with only fns accouts too ohhh my and well done
  5. @cor29

    Your last post has been deleted. Bypass again and be removed from the forum for at least 24hrs.
  6. If you had cost Outlawz war they'd be all over you...don't flatter yourself!
  7. All right phone dying and im going back to silent. I will always be around and available if anybody needs another refresher on exactly who the punk is. Keep your talking going if you like only 1 more thing i gotta say. Bring your bad ass tommy and represent your family like i do mine. Straight up and straight forward. And also dont forget punk... CLEAR!!!
  8. I do represent cause u always dtw
  9. @storin i ll try harder next time than last 20 mins of ee  ps if didnt do enough damage why is stormy so hurt by it sirously why complain in forums???
  10. As i said before. Actively farming your friends dumbass.
  11. FNS- you have called various hitters from various clans bent on one reason, that is to war. If it had been FNS straight up vs Zerg, your hits would be plentiful. But the matter is we are hitting roughly 4 clans. So when it is one versus four..., do the math. Your side is not going to get the same amount of hits. Yet you whine and complain and moan.

    On the epic battle thing- you as well have members who constantly hit so please stop trying to make it an issue. Rapid-Fires and Desmos 500 hits last EB and the numbers are similar going back. It's a nice double standard you preach.

    Then there's your members who leave to go mith up and come back. I'm sure if we had done that, there would be two dozen posts from HoG and FNS whining like school girls.

    I chose to get involved in this war for two reasons, the warring part -which I have lost and spent thousands of pots from being hit and receiving- and the witty banter part. A few of you obliged but the rest just seem to want to fling crap and run your mouth and whine and complain about how you think a war should be.

    I'm sure there will be a dozen posts of immature comments by FNS based of my post stating things like "you smell" "your a noob" or some reference of us being a epic battle clan.

    If your not happy with how your version of the war is working out, then leave.

    Now on to you cold. Hear me now and let me be very clear to you. Stop trolling in this thread and acting all big and tough when you are CLEARLY not. Your mouth started all this and personally no one gives a damn about your opinion or input when it comes to this. Keep trolling and I may personally pay a visit to your "bush" regardless of a clan tag you have that you do not deserve to wear.

    if you cannot be respectful then don't post. This includes all Zerg and LSA members. If you do, I will deal with you myself. For FNS, post away, act immature and finger point. I don't care at this point. Only respectful posts will be replied to
  12. Iam not complaining about it manduu "The Little Bus". Thought how funny your failed attempt was to be honest. So I just had to post it. Like I said your crumbs on the table. You don't deserve my troops/spies attention whatsoever. A ankle biter...nothing more. But then dropping them after the hire was just epicKudos Mr Mandumbass
  13. *you're
  14. Mandy with your stars you could maybe hurt the pure spies from lsa, but not storm lol.
    As he said, there are definetly better ways to use the troops. I wonder how you can even hit him
  15. Lol @ Dread saying he has never met a bigger "idiot" than tommy

    My dude.

    Have you even read any of this coldasshonky's posts? :lol:
  16. Look through EB history before making statements please. Show me an EB before 7pm GMT yesterday where either Rapid or myself (or any of our big attack builds) made more than a handfull of actions
  17. @Desmo.

    According to the dozens and dozens of posts -epic bad, war good, chest thump, chest thump, chest thump. Stomp around and act a fool.

    So in that very basic theory, it doesn't matter that you just started hitting epics or you have been. Only the act that matters.

    So go ahead and take advantage of that double payout for haunts....but just like you have been doing, us over here at Zerg to call you out on it

    No double standards. You cannot call us out on what you guys are doing. (Unless you are jealous on our pure awesomeness, then complain away) 

    On a side note see how silly it is when you guys are forced to defend your actions, just be cause the actions aren't tied directly to war? Desmo, you got pretty irritated that I called you out?

    To be honest we don't really care what y'all do. Go have fun, get some haunts, go to a EE.... Maybe start another "PWar" with another clan. We will still be here a long long time.

    It is obvious that this "affair" will not end anytime soon. So happy hunting, epic battling, trolling, doing naked jumping jacks in the rain, whatever you choose... Just don't call us out on something you all are doing as well.

    Good day and grammar police, "your" up
  18. Lots of things irritate me, your post wasn't one of them.

    I was pointing out that your statement about
    is incorrect.
  19. Yes we hit the EBwith our attack. Every single spy action went towards stripping Shotcallerz.