FNS declares war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Alaguerre, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Mourga, I am a xtal freak. I burn my attack troops when there are opens ask 4 and 5 in your clan. I use my spies to zero your clan and steal like I just did to you, 9, and 11. I can make some cash with my build on ebs and use it to strip your clan every night. Being an attack build you have no excuse to hit ebs. Anyone I said what I needed and anyone that's worth a damn knows how I war. See you in my news feed o wait no I won't.
  2. The posts here from Zerg/LSA have become so laughable it's not funny,I've taken INC(guess I'm important thenXD)From your #3 in your subclan,and he repeatedly fails his spy and attack actions on me.It really makes me wonder if you people are actually trying...
  3. Just FYI Tim is a freak all around .... To quote an old friend... "Shut up and fight"
  4. We hit apheriun today and noticed even apheriun hits back but zerg doesnt 
  5. I have a great deal of respect for any clan willing to stick up for themselves against large odds. Props for that Zerg. Also very proud to be part of an alliance that truly sticks together. The guys in SicNiss BCE are doing great too and I'm pumped to have added another awesome war clan to our family. Keep it up everyone 
  6. Why do the chickens cross the road?
  7. To see if Zerg is actually hitting anybody besides the EB
  8. Lol Tommy Apherium is on the other side and he don't hit back!
  9. Why do mocking birds xtals in eb during osw?
  10. To get to the other side with the other Zerg chickens
  11. Why do a snake shed its 10 trill precious skin?
  12. My snake whitens your smile tommy but you dont have teeth so keep smacking sponge gums it feels good.
  13. Why does idiots lie like coldasshonkeylsa
  14. He said snake Cold not dental flossbut nice try
  15. Btw coldasshonkeylsa I said snake not dental floss u noob
  16. Shut up and clear me *****.
  17. Even his own clan won't accept him 
  18. Clear me what? I can't hear u and see through stars*****
  19. Honkey thought he had a hair down there...until he pissed out of it