FNS declares war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Alaguerre, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Just to clarify massive_ra was on my wall under the name WTF_____ claiming to be WDGAF and saying WDGAF was going to fight on behalf of Zerg. Now Hobbs accuses oG of this being an alt created by them, which it was not. Review this thread and you will see for yourself on page 19 of this thread viewed from idevice massive_ra making the claims that he was a WDGAF member that I outlined.
  2. Btw I have many great friends in WDGAF and in no way am I implying that they are responsible for that alt just to be clear!
  3. To all you dumbasses whining about taking no hits... actually that's about it, I just stated my point. You're dumbasses. Zerg is fighting FnS and subclan is fighting whoever, if you're a sheep in another clan, you're being ignored because you aren't important. Dumbasses.

  4. Someone is angry^ :lol:
  5. I'm not angry, just tired of reading the same moronic comments. At least the war banter was funny. Keep it interesting at least, if not out of respect for your own clan or your enemies, for respect to the public that likes to read it.

    It's just literally SO unintelligent to complain about it. Think about it, there are literally hundreds of targets, what makes any of you think that YOU alone deserve the attention, as opposed to the ones are actually hitting, have allies that arent reset bombs, etc. There are a lot better choices than most of the ones crying here.

    I'm embarassed that a few of you crying dumbasses are friends of mine :lol:

    Keepin' it real,

  6. But you're complaining about our "complaining".

    And this is osw. But when you don't get hit, what are you suppose to talk about? Lets talk about my successful inc if it makes you happy. JimLSA won 2 assassinations on me earlier today. Made me get all happy inside.

    Is that better? Please don't complain about this too :c it's just so... Unintelligent of you...

    :lol: 
  7. Dang ^ **** just got real
  8. Dang, we have a name omega bro. No love? :( lol. 
  9. @Omega... Simmer down. Your arm my actually burst with all that flexing your trying to do. Put that rage into hitting something and focus the rest of your time meditating


    Based on the evidence you have presented here. (If its in forums it must be true) I retract what I said before by being a clan action.

    We here at Zerg believe that HoG or FNS did not create the alt. we do however think that the perpetrator did come from within your clan at FNS.

    We also will not penalize the entire clan for the actions of one, if they did come from FNS. So this is my apology for issuing my previous statement against each HoG and FNS.

    -now back to slapping someone.

  10. How low you will stoop? Really? Like that tool manduu hiring 2 of my allies during a EE yesterday. Like that low. And then dropped them right after.nice one. But thanks for cleaning out the trashcan anyways. Appreciate it
  11. Massive_ra is a big_ra alt. Read their idd thread. He performed a strip for Zerg in that war. Now man up and fight you little eb nancies.
  12. Now stop trying to desperately search for help from other clans LSA and Zerg. Posting with alts won't divert our attention. All of you will be naked.
  13. @echo

    1. I understand if this is your first day here in the land of kaw... But when you try to impersonate someone - you use a previous or former name.

    2. Now I ask you to read the name again, then read all 35 pages of that thread again. Then come back here and read Storins post again.

    3. You will see no such post from a massive_ra. As the name was changed ages ago. Seeing that someone clearly was on Storins wall named WTF_____ changing to that exact name.

    4. And also - according to you all, were at epic battle with you... So why would we create an alt, then have them go and piss off a completely new family not even related to this war.

    The person who did this tried to create something and it backfired and is being called out for it. (Yes we know who you are already)
  14. moloch:

    You will notice that no one else was stupid enough to make that accusation. Because anyone with half a brain would have clicked on the name and seen it linked to another name. By this simple effort you will find that it is not the same person. All that statless alt is good for is mocking others and creating problems. But good job on trying to lay the smack down

    to any others - if u don't like the way we war then leave. We didn't declare war. We didn't start this over some pathetic excuse. We agreed to no term of war.

    If u want to fight then fight. Talk is cheap.
  15. Been fighting you big noobs. You've shown nothing for it.
  16. Please refer back to my first comment on the last page.

  17. And I was wrong. So sue me. Doesn't make you guys anything better than a bunch of dainty people. :) Thanks for admitting your war strat is EB though.
  18. Can we have an intelligent spokesperson from HoG plz?
  19. Basically Omega is saying that you have to earn their incoming...