FNS declares war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Alaguerre, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. I just told you how happy we are bro  as z proof check out the world chat announcement, it reads : b2b pwars at fns, thank zergs for the fund  no complaint guys you are one of the lovliest enemies i have ever had 
  2. Yet we still here fighting back and you keep complaining. Pad yourself in the back and keep on bragging in wc
  3. Fighting back?? you mean fighting back alherium??  guess your are either drunk or playing a different game. Fighting back? Zerg Joke of a clans can fight back too?????  seriously??? your clan history speaks for itself and proves how hard You fight back. but as hobbs said its just a war and you can do anything you want, you fight back the apherium we will spank zergs butts. but what is obvious is that, Youre doing ebs to cool off your butts for our precise and flawless strips did you guys like them?? We havent heard you opinions on them yet??
  4. FNS sure can talk the talk. Make yourselves look like your winning by your posts on forums, and your Clan info page of a bunch of lies and twisted truths. Where's out posts about strips? Oh we keep them to ourselves. Because in all honesty, everyone involved in this war knows who is winning. Sure, your clan info says " resets Sir_Ironrat" did you mention that he was stripped off one of out members and caused you to lose over 500b? That's just one of many lies. We have caught and banked 90% of the gold that you have given free to us (thank you by the way) oh and you are spending your real life money on crystals to scout bomb an "eb clan" lol. While I'm hitting you every half hour and burning somewhere around 400m in pots an hour for 14 hours a day. Lol. Who is winining? I alone have burned/stolen/stripped more than 500b this war... ALONE. Tommy you are a 9 year old little girl who should be grounded for playing kaw at the dinner table. Anyone who knows zerg or LSA should know we are a trustworthy ally... Reasons we stand by each others side and don't bring in un affiliated clans. FNS, why don't you come over from the kids table and sit with the adults instead of calling "mommy and daddy" ( oG Alliance") and face us off. Clan Vs. clan? Ah, you need outside help to keep us wild animals under control. Lol. I'm going to keep burning pots and your crystals, burning your real life money, cause in the end, that's what hurts the worst. Lol. The fact that I can get a complete stranger with a fake name on a video game so mad that he spends real money to steal my virtual money. Lol.

    I don't like to post forums, this is in no way organized and is a complete rant.

    This is the first and last time I will be posting on this.

    Going back to lurking and burning(;

    Thank you for reading


    LSA Fighting

    Special shout out to OmegaLSA,
    I love you, no homo, we would be nothing but unorganized, farming, drunken idiots without you. Together LSA is the best thing in kaw.

    Another shout out to Hobbs... Didn't know you had an intellectual brain (not an insult bro) just hard to come by these days.

    War, war, war, strip, strip, strip, hit, hit, hit.

    -T H E E N D-
  5. Spanking butts? Bud my newsfeed has hardly lit up today. If some people wanna hit ebs that's their own prerogative. Me personally I rather unload my troops on you guys. Now for a guy that says he's fighting this war out of "respect" you're quite disrespectful yourself, not to say I don't understand your reasons for declaring a war but your reasons have hardly a leg to stand on since your demands were met. Persepolis has a personal vendetta against Zerg and that's the real reason we are here ( I could be wrong ), and if I am then respect to your clan for standing up for what's right. either way it I'll be here
  6. Funny how i just pinned Omega,ain't it funny??
  7. He's a ps... No cash out means you can't hit... L2play
  8. Not true,he has a stable,which means I can hit him,and I d for 30mill a pop
  9. Dread, as an advice, after this war I would never ever sign my letters by Dread cause it will be a flash back for everyone to this pwar. Of course your winning the war, like I said your EB history shows how hard you are Winning this pwar 

    I heard everyone in zerg is signing under a petition regarding this pwar, planning to send it to devs and ask them to give you back the money you lost during our strips cause that was a WHOLE LOT OF CASH  can you confirm if this petition exists?
  10. To simplify is it true that zerg is signing a petition to send to devs and ask them to refund them for the money they lost to FNS? Their argument is that theyve lost a huge amount of golds which unfair and they will reset one by one if devs dont refund them for the strips fns has performed on their butts. I guess dread can answer this question 
  11. By the way. Lsa is zerg. Intel found said by LSA member. Don't need anymore.
  12. So ignorant... 
  13. I agree Dread. Your ignorance is quite astounding :/
  14. Please explain?
  15. Mike I love that you made my day
  16. I said this "intel" a year ago. Tell us which one of us are alts in Zerg? Why do we wear LSA tags and not all Zerg members? Why did only LSA tagged members war against LLC? Why wasn't Zerg there? Why does LSA have a clan that we go to only for the purpose of war? Why isn't all of Zerg there? Why is there sicniss players in FNS? Does that mean we can start spreading lies that FNS is the home clan of sicnis?
  17. @ DreadLSA
    Sorry bro didn't realise you were active, Apheriun is lazy about reporting inc. Of the few LSA tagged accounts I have seen reported inc from, you are not one of them.

    Out of curiosity how many SAP’s do you burn while burning through our 400m in pots an hour? Looking at your account and equip you would need to use max per hit so that’s 1,379,430,000 per steal unload (If you win all 18) or 2,299,050,000+ if you run assasinations, Keep going with that 

    500b? seriously?? Come on your joking right??? You are impressed that;
    1: your side reset a decent sized account on Mirs? Seems like a good strategy! I believe Mirs words at the time were “ if they promise to reset I will buy all of them”
    2: “I alone have burned/stolen/stripped more than 500b this war... ALONE” Congratz that used to be an impressive figure a couple of years ago, keep chipping away and maybe someday someone somewhere will actually care 

    I was going sign off by stealing a line from iReg but you would probably miss.
  18. And now I've been disappointed