FNS declares war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Alaguerre, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. @ olibear yes bud I know that, let's see if you understand what I'm saying. I upgraded plus an ally which was bought right back so I kept upgrading instead of just leaving the gold out for you guys to take. But thank you for the kaw lesson, if you should have any more kaw wisdom to share with me please pm, I'm always happy to learn new things from such an experience player like yourself
  2. Hmm wasn't zerg getting funds from Several clans? 
  3. Seriously guys and gals,

    First thing i would like to point out. IT'S A WAR.
    Second thing I would like to point out. IT'S A WAR.
    Now have I mentioned? IT'S A WAR.

    Now that I have gotten that out of my system.....

    We all know how this started. Things being said that shouldn't have been.... Over reactions on both sides, chest bumping, finger pointing... The typical things that usually start a war.

    Once the osw begins,nothing matters any longer. That's right I said NOTHING

    There are no set guidelines on how one should should act or what one should do in an osw. Like I said, IT'S A WAR.

    Meaning, if you want to be an ass and get yourself called out, then that's your right. I've seen this on both sides and the result was the same, y'all got more hits.

    Same goes if someone wants to call in other clans, friends, funding, participation in a epic battle... Etc etc. like I said no rules, and your delusional to think there is a set rules.

    Have a problem cause a new clan or family joined? Well hit em. Think someone's hitting an epic too much, well pin em.... Think there's some mysterious overlord that quietly funding... Then do some homework..... Want to join the other side for a brief moment of insanity? That's your right to do so (mad props btw to the one FNS who did yesterday)

    Stop bitching about what you all think is fair or right in war. That goes for both sides. There are no rules. Plain and simple

    The only thing that will end this is if the leaders from Zerg and FNS get together and end it. Until then, your free to do what you want.... Why? CAUSE IT'S A WAR!!!

    No if you'll excuse me, back to hitting my favorite players (oh you know who you are)

  4. Cause Hobbs so butt hurted lol
  5. To Zergs sub call I have to say.....it really sucks when your #1 person fails steals and attacks on little old meXD
  6. Mike it's true,if I had PB I'd post the SS lol
  7. I believe you, seems like there is only 5-6 fighting on their side. Even eith double the members lol
  8. @Tommy

    Cause I'm so butt hurt? That's seriously the best you can muster up? The same person who has had me blocked since the start of this... Got it....

    Grow up little one and get a clue. That post was directed at both clans. But perceive it how you want. You only demonstrate your maturity and after all, it's war and you can do what you want. Your wall post was equally impressive.

    I knew what I was getting into by joining the osw and have made no illusions otherwise. I have been hit and pinned and have done so myself.... Most of FNS, and it's family have been courteous and respectful and it's been alot of fun... Then there's you....

    You are clearly not part of any solution so thus unimportant overall. So take care, thanks for playing, I've enjoyed your hits you recently gave and your comment did make me laugh so hard I peed just a little.

    (Butthurt) Hobbs
  9. Can I say something? (of course you can Moloch).

    Owner of Zerg, instead of thinking we should send you SS of your clan being involved with LSA and the former war MAYBE you should research who the leak of the info was. Food for thought. Your external problem is probably from internal relations is my speculation, so you probably only have that to blame. Keep hitting Apheriun. Lol
  10. Who really cares who started how many clans blah blah blah..... Hit hit hit and strip strip strip may the best clan win 
  11. Strip strip strip hit hit hit. :)
  12. (rhetorical question) why does this keep getting bumped to active topics?
  13. To show the Kaw world that lsa and Zerg are not worthy and trustworthy alliance
  14. Tommy - you just keep proving that with those impressive posts you have been making.

    Great job Zerg thanks you!
  15. That was Hobbs's version of Whinning zerg noobs just take the hits and zip it up, like you said its a war, Did i say its a war? Its a war, you got what it is noob? Its a war then zip it up, close your eyes, warm up the butts for further spanks 
  16. Btw I dont think anyone is unhappy with the fact that you are only hitting ebs and some players once a year hit back. In fact its more fun cause it reminds us of pwars  you keep hitting ebs no complaint at all, we make sure to keep you naked and enjoy the fun you providing for us through spending your time on ebs. What was funny though was mourga who started talking **** on his wall at the beginning and then after the first strip he zipped it up and started hitting the apherium well noob, if you cant do nothing why would u bother opening your wide mouth and bringing more fun to your joke of a clan??? ZERG ALL the WAY, Thanks for the pwars 
  17. You guys are like a broken record, just keep saying the same thing over and over and over. How mourga ran his mouth about ebs and being naked blah blah blah. Just be happy that you're "kicking our asses" and quit your nagging :D