Flight or Death

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rusted_Knight_of_Serenity, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. Oh boy, time for me to explain the same thing I explain at least once a week.

    Once upon a time, there was god. And god had a lot of legos, so he made the world, and he used his special legos to make a garden. In this garden, he put a lego man, and later, a lego woman.

    He also put a crap load of animals. Animals, made specifically to help man, be it for sustenance or other things such as work.

    Animals are not equal to us. That doesn't mean we can/should mistreat them. God loves every creature on this planet, down to the ants, but they are not equal to us, and were made below us.

    I eat meat because it is my choice. I don't care what other people do, but when they start their animal rights/activist/snowwasachicken/ bs, I don't like it, just like they don't like being told off by me.

    I think that some slaughterhouses are extremely inhumane. That is a non disputed fact. That's why I get my meat from Whole Foods (Don't judge me). The meat is cage free, organic, grass fed, free range, etc, and it tastes so friggin much better than any other meat. But the thing is, it is a humane environment that the animals live in, until slaughter.

    Anyway.... yeah. I disagree with the treatment of animals sometimes, but I will always eat meat. Until Obama takes it away. lol.
  2. Rusted.. Can I make certain protein intake jokes?.. 

  3. Need I say more?

    I'm omnivorous for the simple reason of meat doesn't offer everything a diet needs.
  4. I was born with canine teeth. It would be a shame not to use them
  5. Well I knew crusty was a sissy
    This just confirms it
    You eat what you want how you want just don't make a big deal about it or put how you eat on someone else
    People who wanna be fat will be fat they know what they're are doing same as the Heath nuts
    Pretty simple
  6. People who want to chase love handles will chase people with love handles!!!!!
  7. Let's be honest. We know you want more people to be fat Chubby Chaser.
  8. If you don't like a thick chick wit DDs tiny waist and big booty than you should come out of the closet
  9. Not sure what's worse people saying they don't eat animals or dudes talking about how they love the meat
  10. I see nothin wrong with this statement.
  11. I have always been a carnivore because i LOVE meat. But the older i get the more im caring about health, diet AND Environment.
    To reduce meat-consumption helps in all points.

    Nowadays my family only eats "good meat" (meat from naturally living animals) and only 1-3 Times per weak.

    Many of my friends/family-members are vegetariians or Even vegans and im thinking about at least try it.
  12. My thoughts too. My family has a history of diabetes and heart conditions.

    I have basically rid my self of all bad sugars with the exception of soda. Though I have slowed up on my intake of soda. I no longer eat candy or cake unless on a special occasion.

    Meat, I have slowed down on because of my families issue with heart problems. I still eat meat a lot but I've focus my diet to better foods.
  14. Yep.

    Like how Broccoli has more protein than a steak! :p

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. So I'm a sissy because I choose to eat better?

    I always knew you was a pretentious mutt who was more concerned about looking cool than being worth something.

    Oh look, chubby the try hard rebel posting "no support" on every thread because he wants to look like a bad ass.

    What are you? 15? Don't answer that, any older than 15 and you go from being a tool to being just sad.

    After your rebuttal you can leave my thread.
  16. Did you know that eating meat is also healthy?
    Warning: Science lessons
    here's a list of minerals that they give and for what it is for:
    Needed for proper fluid balance, nerve transmission, and muscle contraction

    Table salt, soy sauce; large amounts in processed foods; small amounts in milk, breads, vegetables, and unprocessed meats

    Needed for proper fluid balance, stomach acid

    Table salt, soy sauce; large amounts in processed foods; small amounts in milk, meats, breads, and vegetables

    Needed for proper fluid balance, nerve transmission, and muscle contraction

    Meats, milk, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes

    Important for healthy bones and teeth; helps muscles relax and contract; important in nerve functioning, blood clotting, blood pressure regulation, immune system health

    Milk and milk products; canned fish with bones (salmon, sardines); fortified tofu and fortified soy milk; greens (broccoli, mustard greens); legumes

    Important for healthy bones and teeth; found in every cell; part of the system that maintains acid-base balance

    Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, processed foods (including soda pop)

    Found in bones; needed for making protein, muscle contraction, nerve transmission, immune system health

    Nuts and seeds; legumes; leafy, green vegetables; seafood; chocolate; artichokes; "hard" drinking water

    Found in protein molecules

    Occurs in foods as part of protein: meats, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, legumes, nuts

    Part of a molecule (hemoglobin) found in red blood cells that carries oxygen in the body; needed for energy metabolism

    Organ meats; red meats; fish; poultry; shellfish (especially clams); egg yolks; legumes; dried fruits; dark, leafy greens; iron-enriched breads and cereals; and fortified cereals

    Part of many enzymes; needed for making protein and genetic material; has a function in taste perception, wound healing, normal fetal development, production of sperm, normal growth and sexual maturation, immune system health

    Meats, fish, poultry, leavened whole grains, vegetables

    Found in thyroid hormone, which helps regulate growth, development, and metabolism

    Seafood, foods grown in iodine-rich soil, iodized salt, bread, dairy products


    Meats, seafood, grains

    Part of many enzymes; needed for iron metabolism

    Legumes, nuts and seeds, whole grains, organ meats, drinking water

    Part of many enzymes

    Widespread in foods, especially plant foods

    Involved in formation of bones and teeth; helps prevent tooth decay

    Drinking water (either fluoridated or naturally containing fluoride), fish, and most teas

    Works closely with insulin to regulate blood sugar (glucose) levels

    Unrefined foods, especially liver, brewer's yeast, whole grains, nuts, cheeses

    Part of some enzymes

    Legumes; breads and grains; leafy greens; leafy, green vegetables; milk; liver

  17. Of course meat has healthy benefits, my choice to cut down on meat is because of its unhealthy side.

    Cholesterol being the biggest one.

    Not all meats are that bad for you.

    And both Meat and Vegetables have an issue with things like Steroids, and a heaping of preservatives.

    But everything that you get from meat, and all of the versions of meat, can be gotten by fruits and vegetables.

    Meat's strong hold on me as well as most people is because of two reasons.

    Meat taste better
    And meat is cheaper and easier attained.
    Cheaper means NPP nutrients per pound.
  18. My wife loves my meat.
  19. She also enjoys when I put my meat in her taco. She doesn't like anything else in her taco. Just the meat.