FlameAssassin scamming ppl during charm trading

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by JBoys, Oct 10, 2017.

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  1. That poo_jabber guy is an alt ofthe scanner guy. I can't believe none of you know that 
  2. What are you gonna do? ...come help my clan finish eb? 

    ...no need bro we got it lol 

  3. Wrong again lol ...ask idiot Frog who my main is if that moron still KAWs 
  4. You know you are new to forums if you don’t know who poo_monkey is
  5. Poo monkey is Todd. And Todd is the owner of a chain of highly successful restaurants, that collectively hire over 50 employees.

    So successful in fact, that he can afford to spend all day and night on this game and these forums.

    The guy is legendary 
  6. If all his accounts are perma forum banned, isn't making another account to bypass forum ban against the rules?

    Bye Todd ;D


  7. LOL not a chain I own one restaurant like you own "1" brain cell 

    Keep up with the butthurt you loser it highly entertains me 
  8. No one should hate on Todd anyway. He had the courage to finally come out. The lbgtq community must be stoked to have such a high profile, albeit mildly obese new addition to their ranks.

    Big congrats Todd. You're a real winner 
  9. Flame is in Theology and geometry cr 11, barcode name
  10. His new name is Infam0us with a zero not an O
  11. Accounts like that should be deleted for the good of all Kaw. Devs need to rethink this free for all speech in pms. It's unacceptable.
  12. Jerkbag

    Easier for everyone ;)
  13. Lol, he thinks he can hide by a name change? 
  14. Rip nubby little alt
  15. Someone PM me link to OP's wife the one he mentioned in OP ...Ima farm her 
  16. flame u racist piece of trash . he sat there and took all that from u and that takes some balls .
  17. Hey bacon boy shut your mouth
  18. I'll be seeing your main as Soon as I'm done with these idiots. That sir is a promise
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